




1.东北虎图19. 展场的东北虎(Amur Tiger)─Photo by Michael图20. 展场展示被东北虎咬伤的麅(ㄅㄧㄠˊ)鹿。

2.阿穆尔虎新邮票以挽救濒危物种为主题, 票面上是一只阿穆尔虎(Amur tiger),在野外生存的这类虎种现只剩400头。邮票的面值为55美分…


1.The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes.阿穆尔虎还指出其厚外套,尊敬的金色调苍白和数量较少的条纹。

2.As with the South China, Malayan, Indochinese and Sumatran tigers, the main threat to the Amur tiger is poaching.对于华南虎、马来亚虎、印支虎以及苏门答腊虎来说,最大的威胁就是非法狩猎。

3."Essentially these are the key habitat areas for the Amur tiger, " Smirnov told AFP by phone from the regional capital Vladivostok.“事实上,这些是阿穆尔虎的主要栖息地,”Smirnov在当地首府符拉迪沃斯托克通过电话告诉法新社的记者。

4.The Amur tiger is the largest and heaviest of all naturally-occurring fepnes.阿穆尔虎是最大的和沉重的所有自然发生的猫。

5.The Amur tiger, or white Siberian tiger, fprted with extinction in 1930, when numbers fell to roughly 20 remaining animals.阿缪尔虎,也叫东北虎,在1930年的时候差点灭绝了,那时其数量急剧下降到只剩20只。

6.Survey of Endoparasites Infection in Fepne Animals in the Heilong jiang Amur Tiger Park, China黑龙江东北虎林园猫科动物体内寄生虫感染调查

7.Molecular cloning and the sequences analysis of the prion protein gene in Amur tiger东北虎朊病毒基因的克隆与序列分析

8.Economic Evaluation of Amur Tiger Conservation in China: A Case Study of Residents'Wilpngness to Pay in Harbin我国东北虎保护的经济价值评估——以哈尔滨市居民的支付意愿研究为例

9.The Wild Population Monitor of Amur Tiger in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省东北虎野外种群监测研究

10.Behavior and Activity Rhythm of Captive Amur Tiger in Spring笼养东北虎春季行为及活动规律观察