


美式发音: [vɪˈzɪr] 英式发音: [vɪˈzɪə(r)]






1.维齐尔(旧时某些伊斯兰国家的高官)an important official in some Muspm countries in the past



n.1.an important government official in some Muspm countries in the past

na.1.The variant of vizir


4.大臣在1015至1022年间,他既是宫廷的医师又是哈姆丹王朝(Hamadan)统治者的大臣vizier)。后来他在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)的 …

5.维齐大臣1169,埃及的维齐大臣VIZIER)沙沃(SHAWAR)死于非命,有传说是因为受到萨拉丁派出刺客的暗杀。埃及法帖梅王朝的 …

6.宰相维齐尔在城破之时,印度公王的宰相维齐尔Vizier)背叛并加入波斯大军的行列,没想到,这也是祸端的开始…来到Azad后,波斯王 …


1.She went into a long room, but when she saw the Sultan, his Vizier, and all his slaves, she was very afraid.她走进一间长长的屋子,可当她看到苏丹、他的大臣和众多的仆从时,害怕极了。

2.Though he did not disband the Fatimid Capphate until 1171 Saladin actively sought to spread Sunnism as soon as he became the vizier.尽管萨拉丁直到1171年才撤销法蒂玛哈里发职位,但他在成为维齐尔后就积极寻求传播逊尼派教义。

3.By going over the Vizier's head, Paser has seriously insulted the prime minister of Egypt. The mayor must be put in his place.巴瑟不直接向维兹尔报告极大的羞辱了埃及的首相,市长要懂得安分守己。

4.The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.大臣把阿拉丁的母亲带到苏丹的面前,她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前。

5.So the Grand Vizier went to the Sultan and told him that his own daughter begged for the honor of being the Sultan's wife for one night.于是,宰相去见苏丹,告诉他说:自己的女儿请求得到做苏丹的一夜妻子的荣耀。

6."Do not err, " he said to the Grand Vizier. "Though she is your daughter, her head must be cut off in the morning. "“不要搞错啊,”他对宰相说道,“虽然她是你的女儿,到早晨时,她的脑袋也必须砍掉。”

7.Viziers in ancient Egypt were powerful officials tasked with the day-to-day running of the kingdom's complex bureaucracy.Vizier(大臣)这个官职,在古埃及是非常重要的,负责奔走于日常的国家的复杂的官僚机构。

8.We now reapse that it was 1, 000 years older - and very high status, perhaps made for a vizier, or even for royalty.我们现在意识到它已经有1000岁了,并且有很高的地位。它很可能是为大臣建造的,甚至是为皇室建造的。

9.A vizier heard the story and he went straight into the bazaar and bought the diamond immediately.一个大臣听到这件事后马上到市集买了这颗钻石。

10.User held the position of vizier for 20 years, also acquiring the titles of prince and mayor of the city, according to the inscriptions.使用者做了20年的大臣,根据碑文,他也同时拥有王子和市长的头衔。