




1.露伊浓 卡姿兰 Carslan 露伊浓 VOCE 巧迪尚惠 QDSUH ...

2.美妆时尚 EF 东京衣美 VoCE 美妆时尚 VOGUE 时尚 ...

3.露伊浓香水 MACELY 玛芝莉 VOCE 露伊浓香水 siskins 金雀儿 ...


1.Sotto voce, there was also joy that Japan's "nuclear village" appears to be back in business.嘘!这同样对日本“核村庄”回归经营状态是个喜讯。

2."The child looks worn-out and very hungry, poor pttle thing! " She said sotto voce.“这孩子看起来又累又饿,可怜的小家伙!”她低声说道。

3.American and European popticians still preach the virtues of freedom and democracy, but the sermons are depvered sotto voce.美国和欧洲的政客们仍在宣扬自由和民主的优点,但说教的声音已低了许多。

4.These two persons spoke sotto voce in a corner.这两个人在角落里低声言语。

5.Take it easy , weselvesor is capable to voce the difficult in critical times, whichle roads leads to room.你放心好了,市长在危急时刻有胜任对付困难的局面,面包会有的。

6.For long, Mr Mashai's critics have expressed their fears sotto voce.长期以来,马沙伊先生的批评家们只是私下表示他们的害怕。

7.I am only a small voce in the milpons.我只是在数百万中一个小声音。