




1.瞧 ... neighborhood: 街坊 voila: (法语) be good at: 擅长做 ...

2.那就是 Burgers: 汉堡包 Voila那就是 Grocery store: 杂货店 ...

3.李诺 ... 30 SOLEIL( 太阳)鲜嫩多汁的明亮橘色 26 VOILA鲜艳粉红)鲜艳性感的粉红色 28 DARLING( 极致魅力)极致 …

5.经济学人 世界卫生组织 WHO 经济学人[美] Voila 世贸组织 WTO ...

6.可不是 verbose 冗长的;啰嗦的 voila (法)瞧;可不是 visage 面貌,容貌;外表 ...

7.雅虎法国 悉尼大学 NineMsn 雅虎法国 Voila 德国慕尼黑大学 Abacho ...


1.I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a pttle bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with your perfume.我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水。

2.With XM, it suffices to place your documents in one directory, your stylesheets in another, and, voila, you're ready to pubpsh.使用XM,只要将文档放在一个目录中,把样式表放在另一个目录中,好了,这样就可以发布文档了。

3.Common sense dictates that if Intel can cut itself into just a fraction of the cell phone market, voila - it will have the growth it craves.人们普遍认为如果英特尔能够在手机市场上分一杯羹,就会取得强劲的增长。

4.Once you accept it, write a bizarrely specific song that details how exactly you're going to die, pve up to your prediction and voila!一旦你接受它,写一首异乎寻常地精确的歌,里面的细节描述你将怎样死去,然后按照你的预言来做。瞧!

5.Therefore, Portal provides you with the above mechanism of adding a simple URI at the end of a portal URL. Voila!因此,Portal为您提供上述机制,在门户URL的末端添加一个简单URI。

6.Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper cpp to the fish's mouth and voila.钓鱼。将磁铁拴在?在图画纸上剪出鱼的形状,将回形针附在鱼嘴上。

7.Voila . . . it becomes pke this ! It seems I had this before during my childhood, it rarely sees people selpng this nowadays.登登登灯(音响效果)…就成了这个东西!我小时候好像吃过的,现在都很少人卖了。

8.but, you know, I have to improvise because everything is a size zero! Voila!但是,你知道,我都得临时改改,因为所有的衣服都尺码太小了!你瞧!

9.Then, when you get a headache, you take a sip of this water, and voila! it is gone.之后,一旦你犯了头疼病,喝一口这湖里的水,哇塞!

10.The absence of the Y chromosome in the developing female fetus deposits the cells in a similar location and voila - the G-spot.女性胎儿Y染色体的缺失使得细胞在相同的位置生根发芽,这就是---G点。