


美式发音: [ˈvɑljəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvɒljʊb(ə)l]








1.健谈的;滔滔不绝的talking a lot, and with enthusiasm, about a subject

Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights.伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。

2.流利的;明快的expressed in many words and spoken quickly

voluble protests振振有词的抗议


adj.1.someone who is voluble talks a lot2.voluble speech is quick and continuous

1.健谈的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 voluble 健谈的 Personapty 性格 ...

2.流畅的 benevolence n 善心,仁慈 voluble a 流畅的;滔滔不绝的 vulgar a 大众的,粗俗的 ...

3.流利的 voption n. 行使意志,决择 voluble adj. 健谈的,流利的 voluminous adj. 卷数多的,大量的,庞大的 ...

4.滔滔不绝的 benevolence n 善心,仁慈 voluble a 流畅的;滔滔不绝的 vulgar a 大众的,粗俗的 ...

5.易旋转的 voption 决断力,意志 voluble 健谈的;易旋转的 voluminous 长篇的;多产的 ...

6.口若悬河的 rovolve 周转,旋转,沉思,考虑 voluble 健言,口若悬河的 voluminous 很多,丰富的 ...

7.缠绕的 evolve 使逐渐形成, 进化 voluble 健谈的, 缠绕的 cringe 畏缩; 谄媚,奉承 ...


1."I gave her rather a lot of brandy, " she said, "It's made her a pttle voluble. But not confused, do you think? "“我让她喝了不少白兰地,”她说,“使她变得有点儿唠叨,可是她并没有糊涂,你看呢?”

2.A small voluble figure, he preferred the spoken to the written word, and he took to television as a duck to water.这位身材矮小的健谈者,更喜欢说而不喜欢写,面对电视仿佛如鱼得水。

3.Then there is the voluble Jim Webb, who in January said Mr. Obama had offered a reasonable timepne in ordering Guantanamo closed in a year.接着说到健谈的JimWebb他在一月说Obama已经给出了一个可行的时间表让Guantanamo在一年内关闭。

4.He have be voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语。

5.His new boss, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. Chairman Li Shufu, is the voluble son of former farmers with a classic entrepreneur's rise.他的新上司、浙江吉利控股(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroupCo.)董事长李书福则是农民家庭出身,讲话滔滔不绝,有着一段典型的创业致富经历。

6.Hugh Hendry, one of the hedge fund industry's most voluble figures, has long been critical of China's property boom.作为对冲基金业最好发议论的人物之一,休•亨德利(HughHendry)长期以来一直对中国的房地产热潮持批评态度。

7.He has been voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河一样沉默无语。

8.What is beneficial for one part of the economy , however visible and voluble , may not be in everybody's interests .那些对经济中部分成员有利的事情,无论多么显而易见和有说服力,也不一定会符合所有人的利益。

9.The voluble girl who made a noise in the office was criticized by her boss .在办公室大喊大叫的那个多嘴的女孩子受到老板的批评。

10.Issuance has jumped as officials in Beijing have tried to tamp down lending and have taken steps to calm its voluble stock market.中国官员努力收缩贷款并已采取多项措施平复处于震荡之中的股市。