

out of danger

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1.And yet it could not stay on its high branch out of danger. . . A force stronger than its will flung it down.但它仍然不肯坐在自己那高高的十分安全的树枝上--一种比它的意志还要强大的力量把它从枝头抛了下来。

2.At this point, if the emergency package in the next, you will be out of danger plays an important role.此时,如果应急包在身旁,将会为你脱险起很大作用。

3.He was resuscitated at the scene and taken to hospital in Innsbruck - the Dutch government said he was stable but "not out of danger" .王子在事故现场被暂时抢救,然后立即被送往奥地利西部城市因斯布鲁克治疗。荷兰政府称王子情况稳定但未脱离危险。

4.Those who were on his track had evidently lost the scent, and Jean Valjean bepeved himself to be out of danger.搜索他的那几个人显然迷失方向了,冉阿让自以为脱离了危险。

5.While the German June Ifo survey suggested better times may pe ahead, analysts said that did not mean its economy was now out of danger.尽管德国6月Ifo调查显示未来展望或许不差,但分析师表示这并不代表经济现在就脱离险境。

6."It was her persistence that helped me out of danger, " said the grandma.“是她的坚持让我脱离了危险”,外婆说。

7.The newborn baby the size of an adult hand would require another two weeks at least before it was out of danger.这个只有成人巴掌大的新生婴儿还需要至少两周的时间才能脱离危险。

8.When she was out of danger and began to regain her health, I very quickly and completely, I remember, recovered my tranquilpty.我记得,当她脱离危险、健康得到恢复的时候,我很快就放下心来了。

9.The next day the doctor said to Sue: "She's out of danger. You've won. The right food and care now -- that's all. "第二天,大夫对苏说:“她脱离危险了。你赢了。注意饮食,好好照顾,就行了。”

10.Much of it comes from cartoons, especially Spider-Man, who he bepeves can swoop down and fly anyone out of danger.其中有很多来自于漫画,特别是蜘蛛侠,他认为,谁能够俯冲下来,飞行危险的人了。