


美式发音: [ˈhɑrdɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈhɑ:diŋ]

n.哈丁[哈定];Warren Harding 沃伦哈定



n.1.哈丁[哈定]2.Warren Harding 沃伦哈定

1.哈丁 ... Baldwin 鲍德温号 Harding 哈定号 Satterlee 沙特利号 ...

6.哈丁家族加油站将售光的汽油价目表移除,让驾驶人一目了然,免得浪费时间排队。哈定镇Harding)警方则宣布汽油紧张,要求镇 …

8.哈挺供应哈挺(HARDING)车床高精度 查看报价 A-G 安徽 北京 重庆 福建 甘肃 广东 广西 贵州 H-N 河南 河北 黑龙江


1.He had never looked down on Mr. Harding on account of his recent poverty.他从来没有因为哈定先生新近的贫困而看不起他。

2.Nor can we pretend to describe the rapture with which Mr. Harding was received by his daughter.我们也无法妄图来描写哈丁先生的女儿接待哈丁先生时的那份欣喜。

3.Andrew Harding, head of Rio Tinto's copper division, said the softness in the Chinese market could persist for six months to a year.力拓铜业务负责人安德鲁•哈丁(AndrewHarding)表示,中国市场的疲软可能持续6个月至一年。

4.Warren Harding, 29th U. S. president, played poker at least twice a week, and once gambled away an entire set of White House china.美国第29任总统沃伦·哈丁每周要至少打两次扑克,并且至少输掉一整套白宫瓷器。

5.Would it not be best to let Cyrus Harding judge of what he ought to do, and to warn him, at least, of the danger which threatened him?要是能让赛勒斯·史密斯去考虑应该怎么办,至少让他知道可能遇到的危险,那样不是更好吗?

6.Almost two years later, Calvin Coopdge, who followed Harding, was the first president to broadcast from the White House.两年之后,凯文.柯立芝(CalvinCoopdge)后来则追随哈丁总统,成为第一个在白宫内使用无线电广播的总统。

7.For the time being, Apax intends to hold on to it as a stand-alone brand, said Benjamin Harding, an Apax spokesman in London.Apax的伦敦发言人BenjaminHarding表示,就目前而言,Apax打算将Lagerfeld保留为一个独立品牌。

8.I see. . . . And you think, then, that in view of these conditions it would be better for the country if Harding is elected.我明白……那么,你的意思是,考虑到这些情况,如果哈丁当选将对美国的前途更加有利。

9.Harding, therefore, thought of suspending a mass of iron, weighing several pounds, by means of a fiber, to an upright just above the mine.于是史密斯设法用一根植物纤维的绳子把一块几斤重的铁正吊在炸药坑洞的上面。

10.When Calvin Coopdge learned he was nominated to be Warren Harding 's Vice Presidential candidate, his wife asked if he would accept.凯文·柯立芝得知自己被提名为沃伦·哈定的副总统候选人时,他的夫人问他会不会接受提名。