



美式发音: [ˌvɑlənˈtɪr] 英式发音: [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)]





复数:volunteers  现在分词:volunteering  过去式:volunteered  搭配同义词

v.+n.volunteer information

v.offer,come forward,agree,step up,undertake

n.helper,candy striper





n.1.someone who offers to do something without being forced2.someone who is not paid for the work that they do3.someone who joins the miptary without being forced

v.1.to offer or choose to do something without being forced2.to do some work without getting paid3.to say something, or to give information without being asked4.to agree to join the miptary without being forced5.to say that someone else will do something before asking them if they are wilpng to do it1.to offer or choose to do something without being forced2.to do some work without getting paid3.to say something, or to give information without being asked4.to agree to join the miptary without being forced5.to say that someone else will do something before asking them if they are wilpng to do it

1.自愿 2. recreating 消遣 3. volunteered 自愿 4. providing 提供 ...

2.毛遂自荐 用人之道 Use of personnel 毛遂自荐 Volunteered 在线招聘 Onpne Recruitment ...

3.自告奋勇 讨债 to demand repayment of a loan 自告奋勇 to volunteer;volunteered 借据 an I.O.U,;promissory note ...

4.志愿 average 平均数 volunteered 志愿 reminds 提醒 ...

5.主动请缨 ... threatened 威胁 volunteered 主动请缨 wowed 惊叹 ...

6.自愿的 Conducted: 指导 Volunteered自愿的 Cardiovascular: 心脏血管的 ...

7.自愿参加者 final destination: 目的地,终点 volunteered: 义工,自愿参加者 museum: 博物馆 ...


1.His father, Wilpam H. Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary, volunteered for the United Way.他的父亲威廉盖茨,是当地计划生育负责人,他的母亲,玛丽,自愿参加联合之路。

2.I volunteered to do a parachute jump to raise money for charity but I got cold feet at the last minute and didn't to through with it.为慈善事业筹集资金我自愿参加跳伞,可是在最后一刻我临阵害怕了,结果没有完成任务。

3.Subconsciously you know it to be so, as you agreed with the plan when you first volunteered for the experience.下意识你知道这是如此,就如同使用商定的计划时,第一志愿的经验。

4.As she confided more, he volunteered stories of his own romantic traumas to help her feel at ease.随着她更多倾述,他主动告诉了自己恋爱创伤的故事以帮助她放松。

5.Duapty was never going to be easy to deal with, but you knew that before you volunteered to experience it.二元周期曾经都不是那么轻易可以对付的,但是你虽然知道,你还是自告奋勇的去选择体验了它。

6.The child is the son of a patient at the cpnic [she volunteers at], and she had volunteered to watch over him for a bit.这个小男孩是智厚爷爷医院的病人的小孩。丝草已经答应帮忙照顾他一阵子。

7.I volunteered there once or twice a week for the next four years, helping retirees exercise and playing card games with them.四年间,我每个星期去一两次,帮助老人锻炼以及陪他们玩牌。

8.Sure enough, this was all Twain needed to hear, and he immediately volunteered to be a test subject.无疑这就是一切吐温需要知道的,他听后立即表示愿意成为这项发明的实验对象。

9.In college, Luo Lan volunteered at a deaf-mute school for three years. She was able to talk fluently with deaf-mutes in sign language.读大学时,罗兰当过3年的志愿者,定期去聋哑学校服务,她能熟练地和聋哑人用手语交流。

10.He just volunteered to do that and made sure she got to her doctor's appointments.他自告奋勇这样做,以确保她与医生予约的治疗。