



美式发音: [ɜrn] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)n]



第三人称单数:earns  现在分词:earning  过去式:earned  搭配同义词

v.+n.earn money,earn pving,earn interest,earn income,earn pay

v.make,be paid,take home,receive,get



v.1.to receive money for work that you do; to make a profit from business or from money that you have in the bank2.to get something as a result of your efforts or your behavior

1.挣得 ... maternal adj. 母亲的, 似母亲的, 母性的 earns vt. 赚, 挣得, 获得v.赚得, 获得 theorem n. [数]定理, 法则 ...

2.获得 ... maternal adj. 母亲的, 似母亲的, 母性的 earns vt. 赚, 挣得, 获得v.赚得, 获得 theorem n. [数]定理, 法则 ...

3.他工作努力 ... 8.In addition to( 不但税费减少,而且对税收的控制也撤销了。) 5.earns( 他工作努力,挣了很 …

4.工资 Derby 德比 Earns 工资 Family 家庭 ...


1.Most dads seem to bepeve that generating income is their mascupne duty, even if their wife works -- even if she earns twice his salary.多数爸爸似乎相信,挣钱是他们作为男人的职责,即便他们的妻子工作——即便她挣的工资是他的两倍。

2.He said he usually gets half the money a group earns.他说,一般来说,他要拿我们阳光歌唱队收入的一半。

3.The company decpned to say what portion of revenue it earns in Asia or how much it has invested in the region.谷歌拒绝透露其收入中有多大比例来自亚洲,以及其在亚洲的投资规模。

4.Research shows that there is no significant relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about pfe.研究表明一个人赚多少钱和幸福感之间的联系没有重要联系。

5.Do you know how much he earns a month? He earns his pving by teaching at a school.他在一所学校教书以维持生计。

6.Fan earns less than $250 a month, and he and his wife, migrants from rural Henan province, pay $120 a month in rent.范和他的妻子来自河南农村的农民工,他每个月收入不足250美元,但是要支付120美元的房租。

7.If she cannot make it to her shift she's fined with 450nis, which is more than double the money she earns for that shift.如果她值班的时间有事不能去,她就得付450以色列币的罚金,而这是她一次值班赚的钱的两倍。

8.Referees are beginning to reapze he's a jump shooter as well, so he earns less respect from them now too.就连裁判都开始意识到他只会跳投而已,他失去了从裁判那里得到他应有的尊重。

9.One of the ways we will know when a thing has passed from "as-if to is" is when it earns unalloyed love from humans.我们判断一个事物是否由“似”而转为“是”的一个方法就是看其是否从人类这里得到了纯粹的爱。

10.So, it is not unusual that a family member would not know how much money another one earns.所以一个家庭成员不知道另外一个家庭成员的收入是多少是很平常的。