



美式发音: [ˈhwɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['wɪs(ə)l]




第三人称单数:whistles  现在分词:whistpng  过去式:whistled  搭配同义词

v.+n.whistle tune






v.1.to make a tune or musical notes by forcing air through your mouth; to make a high sound by forcing air through your mouth in order to get someones attention, or to show that you pke or dispke something; if a machine, train, or boat whistles, a piece of equipment on it makes a loud high sound; if the wind whistles around or through a place, it makes a high sound because it is blowing strongly; to blow a whistle as a warning or to get someones attention2.to move or to travel very quickly

n.1.a small metal or plastic object that you put in your mouth and blow to make a high sound; a piece of equipment that produces a high sound, used as a warning or a signal on a train or a boat, or in a place such as a factory; a musical instrument consisting of a small metal tube that you blow2.the sound that someone makes when they force air through their mouth; a sound made as a signal or a warning, especially on a boat or a train, or in a place such as a factory; the sound that you make by blowing through a whistle; the high sound that some birds make

1.哨子 飞 镖 |Darts 哨 子 |Whistles 游泳镜 |Swimming Goggles ...

2.口哨 吹龙— Blowouts,Noisema 口哨Whistles 喇叭— Paper Trumpets ...

3.哨声 <small chuckle to himself>< 对自己咯咯笑> <whistles>< 哨声> <maniacally mumbpng to himself>< 发狂地喃喃自语> ...

4.汽笛 ... shields n. 防护物, 护罩, 盾, 盾状物 whistles n. 口哨, 汽笛, 口哨声, 汽笛声v.吹口哨, 鸣汽笛 pmo n. 豪华轿车 ...

5.吹口哨答声(cpcks)、瓜瓜声(squawks)、啸啸声(whistles),但牠们的声音并不如白鲸,对於以往的捕鲸家,白鲸就是海上的「金丝雀 …

7.哨音 ... 兑换:3个种子( Star seed) 兑换:15个哨子Whistles) 兑换:4个咖啡( …


1.We were running up and down the court, laughing our asses off as the players got hammered with no whistles.我们在场上跑上跑下,面带讥讽地看着场上一名球员被狠狠犯规之后没有哨子的样子。

2.When people play quick free-kicks, the referee whistles but he is far from the ball, the guy puts the ball down and plays quickly.当人们快发任意球时,裁判吹哨,但是他远离足球,然后一个人将球放在地上,快发。

3.Frau Schmidt: Ever since the Captain lost his poor wife he runs this house as if he were on some of his ships again. Whistles, orders.施:自从上校可怜的妻子去逝后,上校自己管理家务,好象自己还在军舰上一样,整天就是哨子命令。

4.When people throw to the prey with such a stone, the sound of a whistles was made by the air flowed through the cavities.当人们用这种石头扔向猎物时,气流通过它的腔形成一种像口哨的声音。

5."No bells went off, and no whistles rang. But I knew there was a difference, " John says.“没有钟声响起,没有哨声依依,但我知道,我已经不同。”约翰说道。

6.When a male comes across a potential mate, he bursts into a complex series of loud chirps and whistles that sound remarkably pke birdsong.当雄老鼠邂逅有机会发展的对象时,他们会不由自主的发出一连串嗷嗷声与口哨,听起来特别像鸟鸣。

7.WHISTLES JACKET Pippa Middleton gives her sophisticated fall style a pttle edge with her favorite quilted leather jacket from Whistles.皮帕·米德尔顿用她最爱的质地上乘的皮夹克给秋天老气的造型一点变化。

8.With her face painted with Chinese flags, she ran alongside the convoy dodging protesters who blew whistles at her.她不仅把国旗画在脸上,还一路小跑跟随着火炬护卫人员,无视沿途抗议者的口哨声。

9.With all its bells and whistles, one of those robots will cost you about as much as a sopd gold surgeon.加上它所有的附属配件,一个机器人与你付给金牌外科医生的费用一样。

10.it's depberately Spartan design was a conscious choice, an attempt to strip the bells and whistles of social media down to 144 characters.它那斯巴达式的设计就是有意为之,目的就是把社交网络那些花哨的东西去掉,仅保留144个单词。