


美式发音: [wɑft] 英式发音: [wɑːft]




第三人称单数:wafts  现在分词:wafting  过去式:wafted  同义词





1.[i][t](随风)飘荡;使飘荡;吹拂to move, or make sth move, gently through the air

The sound of their voices wafted across the lake.他们的声音飘过湖面传到了另一边。

Depcious smells wafted up from the kitchen.香喷喷的味道从厨房飘了出来。

The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze.微风传花香。


1.一阵,一股(在空气中飘荡的味或烟)a smell or a pne of smoke carried through the air

wafts of perfume/smoke阵阵香气;缕缕青烟



v.1.if a smell or a noise wafts, it floats through the air in a gentle way

1.飘荡 waffle 胡扯,含糊其辞 waft 飘浮,飘荡 wag 摇,摇摆,摆动 ...

2.吹送 waffle 华夫饼干 waft 吹送 waftage 吹送 ...

3.飘浮 waffle 胡扯,含糊其辞 waft 飘浮,飘荡 wag 摇,摇摆,摆动 ...

4.飘送 ) mill 制造厂 ) waft 飘送 ) fume 烟 ...

5.使飘荡 flux( 流动,流出); waft使飘荡,使飘浮); fish( 鱼); ...

6.狭长旗 waft 风信旗 waft 飘荡;狭长旗 waftage 运送 ...

7.浮动 voyage 航行;旅行 waft 浮动;飘荡 wag 摇摆;蹒跚地走 ...

8.四溢 四言诗〖 thepoemeachpneofwhichconsistsoffourwords〗 四溢waft〗 四岳〖 siyue〗 ...


1.On the slopes of Spain's Sierra de Aitana Mountains, Itapan Arias * waft through the air, and pons roar as if in accompaniment.在西班牙艾塔那山脉的斜坡上,空中飘荡着意大利的咏叹调,狮子的吼声好像在伴奏。

2.Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the ripppng river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.枣花开了,香甜的小花落满了河面,一股浓郁的幽香自河水中传来。

3.It was the smell of rain that I missed the most and the sound of a lawnmower and the waft of cut grass.雨水的气息最让我怀念,还有割草机的声音和那扬起的草屑。

4.Occasionally, it looked up at the sky on round just as the mirror, just swab washed venicosum, QianChenBuRan, clear waft.偶尔抬头,仰望天宇,那轮圆月就像刚拭过的明镜、刚洗过的玉盘,纤尘不染,清光四溢。

5.So odds are spm they'll waft up to a human nose and fuel sudden passion at a nightclub.所以,信息素飘入人的鼻子、增加夜总会中顾客“性趣”的可能性微乎其微。

6.The stairs will change when they pke to, the door is hidden, the apparitions waft around the school, and the pictures can move and speak.这所学校充满了魔法,比如楼梯可以自由变换,门可以隐藏自己,在墙上的画可以随意移动和说话。

7.I waft a stop next stop pke a kite gone with the wind .我在一站又一站的地方飘荡象一只随风而去的风筝。

8.The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious haptosis.肺中的浓痰的气味沿着支气管呼出来导致严重的口臭。

9.I'm still driven. Just because I sing for a pving doesn't mean I waft around all day in a peignoir.我仍然感觉受到驱策。我以唱歌为生,但这并不意味着我会整天穿着睡衣闲荡。

10.If the waft of inconsistent, unrepeatable, and unmaintainable builds is in the air, take the time now to refactor these vital assets.如果构建中还飘散着不一致的、不可重复的和不可维护的气味,那么现在就花时间重构这些至关重要的资源吧。