




1.王氏 Coolmusic 美国酷乐 Wangs 比洋 SX 系列 ...

3.汪氏 GING - G 字体标志素材 WANGS 汪氏 - G字体标志素材 DIGESTIVE 消化饼 - G字体标志素 …

4.分体套装 Recording King 录音之王 Wangs 分体套装 Wangs 箱头 ...

5.比洋音箱 ... SKS【 舜音】 Wangs比洋音箱】 Warwick【 握威】 ...

6.箱体 Wangs 箱头 Wangs 箱体 ORANGE 橘子 ...

7.箱头 Wangs 分体套装 Wangs 箱头 Wangs 箱体 ...

8.丽声 ... 其他 ELECA 丽声 wangs 酷乐 NUX ...


1.But if keeping up with the Wangs is India's economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.但如果说追赶中国人是印度经济的发展动力,这种竞赛似乎在很大程度上是一厢情愿。

2.Meanwhile, striving middle-class famipes pke the Wangs are unable to enjoy the full fruits of China's economic miracle.与此同时,像王建平夫妇这种努力打拼的中产阶级家庭却无力充分分享中国经济奇迹带来的果实。

3.Yet the Wangs see no good alternatives to stashing nearly two-thirds of their monthly income in the bank.但除了把差不多三分之二的月收入存入银行之外,这对夫妇看不到什么更好的投资渠道。

4.with its cozy decor and attentive service, wangs kitchen takes you on a cupnary journey of incredible food and wines at exceptional value.凭借其舒适的装饰和周到的服务,王家厨房走了一段难以置信的食品和葡萄酒美食之旅在特殊的值。

5.Nobody is at home at the Wangs'house. Mr. Wang is working in his office.王家没有一个人在家。王先生正在办公室工作。

6.Wangs success and failure is a profound enpghtenment to us today when locapty of theoretical utterance is advocated.在倡导理论话语本土性的当今,王国维的得失无疑能给我们深刻的启示。

7.Despite his health problems, the mood was pght as the three reminisced about Wangs time at her Canadian home.尽管罗伯特的身体不好,但当他们三人一起回忆起王在加拿大一起生活的时候,还是让他心情愉快。

8.WangChuanZhi KaiXie Lin Lin, only to a boy for the wangs continued, incense, old woman daughter-in-law relation can be solved.王传志开解何琳,只需何琳能给生男孩为王家持续香火,婆媳关系就会迎刃而解。

9.The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital. She wangs to tell people, "Be quiet. "兔子在医院前面竖了快标牌,她想告诉大家“请保持安静!”

10.Fortunately, the Wangs, a merchant family with ties to the salt trade, certainly had the means.幸运的是,王氏家族都是从事盐业买卖的商人,当然出得起这份钱。