




1.再见 one in a milpon 百万分之一,非常稀有 toodles 再见 to break up 分手断绝关系 ...

2.回见 ... tipping point 骤变点 toodles 回见 on your head 由你负责 ...

3.再见啦 buzz 舆论,流言 toodles 再见啦 fly kicks 小飞鞋 ...

4.再见了 buzz 留言,舆论 toodles 再见了 fly kicks 小飞鞋 ...

5.俚语 85. You two are square now 你们现在两清了 86. Toodles 俚语,再见 ...

6.二礼服 ... [5982]黑色/ BLACK [4080]二礼服/ TOODLES [4064]空气现实/ AERIAL ...

7.拜了 ... Toodles. 拜了 What a pleasant surprise. 真是惊喜啊 ...


1.Mrs Chick bore off the tender pair of Toodles, and presently returned with that tougher couple whose presence her brother had commanded.奇克夫人把这两位皮肤娇嫩的图德尔领走,按照她哥哥的吩咐,很快又把两位皮肤粗糙一些的图德尔领回来。

2.Sharpay: You are so dedicated. Just pke me. I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise? Toodles!你很敬业,和我一样,我希望你能来我在音乐舞台剧的演出。一言未定?再见!

3.Hey, Troy. When's the big game? -Yesterday. -Well, good luck. Toodles!你好,特洛伊。比赛何时开始?-昨天。-好的,祝你好运。嘟嘟!

4.I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise? Toodles!希望你来看我的音乐剧。答应么?回见!

5.Sharpay Evans: Well good luck. Toodles!莎佩:好吧,祝你好运!再见!

6.Little Paul, suffering no contamination from the blood of the Toodles, grew stouter and stronger every day.小保罗从图德尔的血液中没有受到污染,每天长得愈来愈结实,愈来愈强壮。