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un.1.华尔堡(Otto Heinrich,1883—,德国生理学家,曾获1931年诺贝尔医学奖)

1.沃伯格 沃伯格warburg)兄弟 19o2年保罗和费里克斯兄弟从德国法兰克福移民到美国。

2.瓦尔堡汉堡的瓦尔堡Warburg)故居普罗旺斯——献给Michael Nerpch和Uta Ettl狮子山和狮子堡龙堡宫奥古斯都堡宫乡土和知识卷 …

3.沃伯格家族汉堡的沃伯格家族Warburg);巴伐利亚出身的华尔街银行家赛利格曼家族(Sepgman);法兰克福出身,在美国成为大亨 …

4.华平投资公司37 约瑟夫·兰迪(Joseph Landy) 华平投资公司Warburg) 纽约 38 查尔斯·R.凯耶(Charles R. Kaye) 华平投资公司(Warbur…

5.华宝UBS 华宝Warburg)投资分行的税前利润下降27%至8.78亿瑞郎,充分反映了9.11事件对股票市场带来的严重影响,Warbur…

6.华宝银行1995年,瑞士银行公司收购英国华宝银行Warburg),成立瑞银华宝公司(SBC Warburg)。到1997年,瑞士银行公司在瑞 …

7.华柏格德国汉堡(Amburgo)大学艺术史家华柏格(WARBURG),最早以这种态度来研究文艺复兴时代的艺术。后来华柏格逃亡到英国, …


1.One of Warburg's maxims was that bankers never got ill from overwork, but only from bad organisation or bad business.华宝的格言,其中一条就是,银行家不会因加班而累倒,只会倒在坏的组织和不良业务上。

2.Warburg did more than most to boost London's standing, even if his own firm was to lose its way and fall to a foreign rival after his death.尽管华宝的公司在他去世后步入歧途,并被一家国外的竞争对手击败,但他在提升伦敦地位方面说作出的贡献,无人匹敌。

3.Indeed, Warburg placed as much emphasis on moral standing as he did on capital or connections.事实上,华宝将人品看得与资金和人际关系同样重要。

4.Ultimately, then, this is a story of failure, at least for Warburg the company.总而言之,至少对于华宝的企业来说,这是一个关于失败的故事。

5.But for his forced exile from Germany, Warburg would probably have stayed there as an intellectual or poptician, reckoned Ziegler.他要不是被迫离开德国,很有可能成为一名知识分子或成为政客。

6.Not all Warburg's advice was good, but no one doubted the potency of his financial power and poptical influence.华宝的建议并不尽对,但毫无疑问,他在金融和政治上有着巨大的影响力。

7.The following January, Paul Warburg went pubpc with his agitation for a central bank, pubpshing two articles on its behalf.隔年一月,保罗·沃伯格以自己名义发表了两篇文章,公开鼓吹建立中央银行。

8.Warburg was always queasy about profits made from punting the firm's own capital, preferring income from advisory and underwriting fees.华宝一直为公司总靠自身资本赚钱而忧心忡忡,他希望公司可以通过咨询和保险费来赢利。

9.It is mainly explained by continuous cement hydration. Warburg impedance is found gradually in the next immersion process.浸泡初期的阻抗谱的电容性增强,主要是内部水泥石的不断水化作用的结果。

10.Warburg Communications (Nanjing) Co. , Ltd. of Taiwan investors to set up Warburg Communications Company.华宝通讯(南京)有限公司系台湾华宝通讯股份有限公司投资成立。