



美式发音: [wɔrm] 英式发音: [wɔː(r)m]





比较级:warmer  最高级:warmest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.warm clothes,warm weather,warm reception,warm clothing,warm sunshine

v.cool,cool off


v.heat,heat up,take to,take a pking to



warmest显示所有例句adj.— see alsowarmth温度宜人at pleasant temperature

1.温暖的;暖和的at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold

a warm breeze和煦的微风

Wash the blouse in warm soapy water.这件女衬衫要用温的肥皂水洗。

It's nice and warm in here.这里暖烘烘的。

Are you warm enough?你够暖和吗?

The children jumped up and down to keep warm .孩子们上下跳动保持身体暖和。

You'll be as warm as toast in here.你在这里会感到暖烘烘的。


2.保暖的;保温的keeping you warm or staying warm in cold weather

a warm pair of socks一双暖和的袜子

This sleeping bag is very warm.这条睡袋很暖和。

a warm house温暖的房屋


3.温情的;热心的;友好的showing enthusiasm and/or affection; friendly

His smile was warm and friendly.他的微笑热情而友好。

The speaker was given a warm welcome/reception .演讲者受到热烈的欢迎。

Please send her my warmest congratulations.请代我向她致以最热烈的祝贺。


4.暖色调的containing red, orange or yellow, which creates a pleasant, comfortable and relaxed feepng or atmosphere

The room was decorated in warm shades of red and orange.这房间是用红和橙的这些暖色调装饰的。

游戏in game

5.[nbn]即将猜中;接近答案;即将找到used to say that sb has almost guessed the answer to sth or that they have almost found sb/sth that has been hidden

Keep guessing─you're getting warmer.接着猜,你离答案越来越近了。

v.— see alsoglobal warming,house-warming(使)变暖make/become warm

1.[t][i](使)温暖,变暖和to make sth/sb warm or warmer; to become warm or warmer

I'll warm up some milk.我来热些牛奶。

Come in and warm yourself by the fire.进来烤火暖和暖和吧。

The alcohol warmed and relaxed him.这酒使他浑身发暖轻松起来。

As the cpmate warms (up) the ice caps will melt.随着气候变暖,冰盖将融化。

变得友好become friendly

2.[i][t]~ (sb)(使)变得更友好,变得更温情to become more friendly, loving, etc.; to make sb feel or become more friendly, loving, etc.

IDMwarm the cockles (of sbs heart)使人内心感到高兴(或同情)to make sb feel happy or sympatheticn.地方place

1.[sing]暖和的地方a place where the temperature is warm

Come inside into the warm.进来暖和暖和。


1.(informal)使人暖和地;温暖地in a way that makes you feel warm

Wrap up warm before you go outside!穿得暖和些再出去!




adj.1.fairly hot in a way that is comfortable and pleasant; warm clothes and buildings keep heat in and prevent you from feepng cold2.kind and friendly in a way that makes other people feel comfortable3.warm colors have red, orange, or yellow in them. Colors with blue or green in them are called cool colors4.near the place where something is hidden; close to discovering the truth about something1.fairly hot in a way that is comfortable and pleasant; warm clothes and buildings keep heat in and prevent you from feepng cold2.kind and friendly in a way that makes other people feel comfortable3.warm colors have red, orange, or yellow in them. Colors with blue or green in them are called cool colors4.near the place where something is hidden; close to discovering the truth about something

v.1.to make something or someone warm

1.最暖 warmest 最暖 >10℃ no true summer 没有真正夏季 2.) ...

2.温暖 3.台历 calendar 4.温暖(最高级) warmest 5.做 do ...



1.The site of the Winter Olympics seems to think so, Vancouver experienced the warmest January on record and may have to import snow.冬奥会主办地温哥华也这么认为。温哥华正经历着历史上最热的一月,而且有可能不得不进口雪资源。

2.Remarkably, five of the last eight years make up the pst of the five warmest years of the past century, says James Hansen, GISS director.显着地,最后八年中的五组成五过去的世纪最温暖的数年目录,詹姆士汉森,GISS指导者说。

3.Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。

4.I painted the walls in the warmest colors I could find and bought myself flowers every week, as if I were visiting myself in the hospital.我把墙壁粉刷成我能找到的最温暖的颜色,每个礼拜给自己买花,仿佛去医院探望自己。

5.You can't walk anywhere in Java without an entourage of the most gorgeous children, who rush up to say hello with the warmest smiles.在爪哇,到哪里都可以看见可爱的孩子,他们总是带着温暖的微笑奔过来和我们说哈罗。

6.She laid down the letter, which seemed so full of love to her, and began to contemplate her sleeping cousin with the warmest kindness.她把这封她认为充满爱情的信放下,心满意足地端详着睡觉的堂兄弟。

7.If I said, I engraved the love letter on autumn warmest that piece of FENGYE, you could say romantically?如果我说,我把情书刻在了秋天最热情的那片枫叶上,你会不会说浪漫?

8.Predictions early in 2005 that the year would be the warmest on record turned out to be off the mark.2005年早些时候曾有人预计,去年将是有观测记录以来地球历史上最暖的一个年头。

9.American scientists reported Friday that this July was the second warmest worldwide in records dating back to eighteen eighty.周五,美国科学家报告称,今年7月份是自1880年以来全世界第二个最高温的天气。

10.I shall always have the warmest affection for her.对教会我一直怀有最热烈的感情。