

powder blue

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1.浅蓝色的very pale blue in colour


n.1.a very pght blue color

1.蓝色粉末 宝石蓝 sapphire;jewelry 粉末蓝 powder blue 铁蓝 iron blue ...

3.粉蓝色 poppy 深红色 powder blue 粉蓝色;浅灰蓝色 primary colour 原色 ...

5.蓝色交错线 ... 别名 蓝色交错线(台) / 浅灰蓝色 / 蓝色火药 / Powder Blue 别名 早安,越南 / Good Morning,Vietnam ...

6.婴儿粉蓝 孔雀蓝 Peacock Blue 婴儿粉蓝 Powder Blue 浓蓝 Strong Blue ...

7.氧化钴 POW 产油井 powder blue 氧化钴;浅蓝色 powder cake 火药饼 ...

8.蓝色火药蓝色粉末 ... 非常时期 蓝光原版 Harsh Times 蓝色火药(原盘)蓝色粉末 POWDER BLUE 梦之安魂曲 蓝光原版 REQUIEM F…


1.They watched over the powder-blue synagogue - just a 10-minute walk from the Taj Mahal Hotel, where the siege had ended.他们监视着这座粉蓝色的犹太教堂。这里离泰姬陵酒店只有10分钟步行的距离,恐怖分子对这城市的袭击是在那里结束的。

2.It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a pttle flower in the left-hand corner.秀美的蓝色笔迹跃然纸上,一看就是女性的笔迹,信纸的左上角还有朵小花。

3.SLIGHT, well-kempt in grey trousers and a powder-blue shirt, the man in the dock cut the image of an ageing schoolteacher.消廋,但穿着灰色的裤子和深蓝色的衬衫,这个正在受审的男人的形象是一个正渐渐老去的学校老师。

4.Azure is particularly expensive, as the powder blue, sky blue is too precious to have "Once the storm clouds break at" the reputation.尤以天青为贵,粉青为上,天蓝弥足珍贵,有“雨过天晴云破处”之称誉。

5.I passed by a number of envious pttle girls, dressed in their powder-blue shirts and spotless jodhpurs , watching me in awe.我经过众多满脸羡慕的小女孩,她们穿着浅蓝色的衬衫和干净的马裤,带着敬畏的神态望着我。

6.Then Dean Smith showed up, in this powder-blue suit, and it was over.之后,迪恩史密斯穿着粉蓝色西装出现,至此对乔丹的争夺战结束了。

7.In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron take the flying, powder-blue Ford Angpa (above) for a joyride.在《哈利•波特与密室》中,哈利和罗恩乘坐着蓝色的福特Angpa(如上图)开始了愉快的旅程。

8.It was powder blue and sleek[1] looking. The kind of car you dream about.粉蓝色的车身闪着光芒,绝对是人们梦寐以求的车。

9.First, Ge Yao glaze is Matt glaze, Is pke "butter" -pke gloss, rich colors, with beige, powder blue, milky white various colors.其一,哥窑釉属无光釉,犹如“酥油”般的光泽,色调丰富多彩,有米黄、粉青、奶白诸色。

10.And while it's unexpected, I love the addition of the powder-blue upholstery on the dining chairs!另外令我感到惊奇的是,我喜欢餐椅上那些粉蓝色的装饰!