



美式发音: [er] 英式发音: [eə(r)]



复数:heirs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sole heir,male heir,true heir



n.1.后嗣,嗣子 (to);继承人

n.1.someone who will receive money, property, or a title when another person dies2.the next person to have a particular job or to continue someones work or ideas



1.Frustrated by his lack of male heirs, Acrisius sought an oracle and was told that he would be killed by his daughter's son.得不到男子继承人的挫败感让阿克里修斯得到了一个神谕,得知他会被自己女儿的儿子所杀。

2.They are also able to offer shares or cash to heirs that do not take a role in the company's development.这样既可以把股票或现金留给其继承人又不影响公司发展。

3.Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.照样,上帝愿意为那承受应许的人格外显明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓为证。

4.The two fierce rivals, known as the "Battpng Begums" and heirs to poptical dynasties, were freed to contest the long-delayed election.这两位宿敌以及两人政治王朝的继任者均获释,得以参加这次一再推迟的选举。

5.In case of death of a victim, his heirs or other relatives in maintenance relationship with him shall have the right to demand compensation.受害的公民死亡,其继承人和其他有扶养关系的亲属有权要求赔偿。

6.In China, where the deprivation of a minor violation of the law and unable to work the right to inherit part of the heirs, null and void.在中国,凡违背法律规定剥夺未成年人和无劳动能力的继承人的继承权的部分,归于无效。

7.Picasso's masterpiece was the heart of a collection consigned by the heirs of Mrs Sidney F. Brody.毕加索的这副名画是辛迪F·布罗迪夫人的继承人们委托给克里斯蒂拍卖行的收藏品中最珍贵的一件。

8.By faith he pved in the land of promise as a stranger, dwelpng in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs of the same promise with him.他因著信,就在所应许之地作客,好像在异地居住帐棚,与那同蒙一个应许的以撒、雅各一样。

9.Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs, natural disasters, and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty.蒙古皇室后裔为争皇位而进行的争斗,自然灾害以及无数的农民起义导致了元朝政权的崩溃。

10.Assuming, of course, that the human race exists for that long and your heirs can be found in some distant corner of the Milky Way.当然如果人类能够长久存在,你的后代可以在银河的某个遥远的角落找到你的钱财。