


美式发音: ['asənə] 英式发音: ['asənə]






n.1.a posture used in yoga

1.体位法制(Yana)、(二)劝制(niyama)、(三)坐法asana)、(四)调息(pranayama)及(五)制感(pratyahara)是 …

7.体位练习在体位练习asana)方面,艾扬格瑜伽尤其注重身体各部分在姿势中的精确整齐的位置和细节,使肢体平衡稳固,头脑清晰, …


1.This asana is so named because the body mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched back ready to shoot an arrow.之所以这样命名是因为身体酷似拉弓,背部伸展拉弓射箭的形状。

2.He then left the company to found his own company in 2008, known as Asana.随后在2008年他离开了这家公司并成立了自己的公司,名为“Asana”。

3.He has invested some of his own money and Benchmark's in several companies founded by former colleagues, including Quora and Asana.他已经向前同事创办的好几家公司包括Quora和Asana,投了一些自己的钱以及标杆资本的风投。

4.Dustin Moskovitz, one of Facebook's co-founders, has just raised funding for a new business-collaboration start-up called Asana.DustinMoskovitz是校内网的其中一名创始人,已在为一个叫Asana.新的商业合作公司的启动筹集资金。

5.The three parts of the body most susceptible to injury in any asana work are the neck, the lumbar vertebrae and the knees.站姿是其他体式的基础。身体最容易受伤的三个部位:颈部、腰椎、膝。

6.Once an asana becomes easy for you, try to either intensify it or seek out new poses that you find challenging.一旦这个姿势对你来说变容易了,就努力尝试去做它的加强式,或者找到对你来说有挑战的新姿势。

7.Then, as you begin moving from one asana to the next, you notice your face come to pfe.然后,当你开始练习,从一个体式过渡到另一个体式,你看到你的脸恢复了生气。

8.Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra, a mantra as well as a special relationship.每一个瑜伽体位都对应一个轮穴、一个唱诵和一种特殊关系。

9.Regular practice of asana will cause one to confront issues in the body, issues in the mind, issues in the emotional pfe.经常地练习Asana的人,身体上会遇到一些问题,关于心智的和情绪上的。

10.The third and last of the three interior body "locks" used in asana and pranayama practice to control the flow of energy.这是在瑜伽体式和呼吸控制法练习中用于控制能量流动的体内三个锁中的第三个。