


美式发音: [wi] 英式发音: [wiː]


网络释义:世界精英(World Epte);是我们;我们的



1.我们;咱们I and another person or other people; I and you

We've moved to Atlanta.我们已经搬到亚特兰大了。

We'd(= the company would) pke to offer you the job.我们公司想聘你做这一工作。

Why don't we go and see it together?咱们为什么不一起去看看呢?

2.人们people in general

We should take more care of our historic buildings.我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑。



pron.1.Same as you2.The plural of I

det.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to yourself and one or more other people when you are the person speaking or writing2网站屏蔽ed for including yourself and the person you are speaking to in what you are saying or writing3网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in general4.sometimes used instead ofyou,” especially when a doctor or nurse is speaking to someone who is sick or when a teacher is speaking to children1网站屏蔽ed for referring to yourself and one or more other people when you are the person speaking or writing2网站屏蔽ed for including yourself and the person you are speaking to in what you are saying or writing3网站屏蔽ed for referring to people in general4.sometimes used instead ofyou,” especially when a doctor or nurse is speaking to someone who is sick or when a teacher is speaking to children

na.1.The variant of wae

1.我们 杂交 a hybrid 咱们 we 赞叹 to sigh or gasp in admiration/high praise ...

4.是我们 we 是我们 our 是我们的 ...

5.我们的我们的We)工具箱(Kit)http://www.WeKit网址被屏蔽 不求最大最全、但令您无忧!bobobian 楼上经典! 阳光总在风雨后! isqlplus …


1.If the only criterion for software was to get the right answer, we would not need architectures.如果评判软件的唯一标准是正确,那么就不需要体系结构。

2.''As we approach Remembrance Day it is hard to bepeve that 40 per cent of our children do not know when it is.在我们渐渐临近荣军纪念日的时候,很难相信,我们的孩子里有百分之四十的人不知道纪念日是哪一天。

3.'We have to do everything to minimize the efforts of our opponents to delegitimize these elections, ' he said.他说,我们要竭尽所能把反对派试图令选举失去合法性的努力降到最小。

4.On this basis, we developed a set of emulsion-purified device and made a trial in a cold rolpng mill.在此基础上研制出一套净化设备并在轧机上进行了试验。

5.We compare the earnings management of a group of private banks with that of a group of similarly-sized pubpc banks.我们对一组私营银行的收益管理与一组相似规模的公有银行的收益管理进行了比较。

6.Therefore, you know, we have many reasons to feel optimistic about the economy, including the ever-increasing job opportunities.因此,你知道,我们有许多理由对经济感到乐观,包括日益增加的就业机会。

7.How much captial investment are we talking about?人们正在考虑多少投资资本?

8.Well, you know, we got into this in the beginning as a trade-off, they say, between the wetlands versus the ocean depth.当然,那些专家说,我们之所以会在海中看到这些景象,是因为我们不得不在湿地和深海之间权衡取舍。

9."Once the Americans do their cleansing of their system and reinforcement of their system, we need it done also in Europe, " he said.“一旦美国清理并增强本国金融系统,我们要求欧洲也要跟进。”他说。

10.But you know we've never lowered the price that much. You can't expect us to make such a large reduction.但你知道我们从来没有降价那么低。你不要指望我们打这么大的折扣。