




1.戴帽子 9. in the dining hall 在餐厅 11. wear hats 戴帽子 12. wear uniforms 穿制服 ...


1.At this time the women's headdress has become a black cloth with Baotou, do not wear headscarves to spend, do not wear hats.这时妇女的头饰已变成用黑布包头,不戴花头巾,也不戴斗笠。

2.President with the skirt: ladies dress to wear hats can be a small amount of decoration. Wear pght-colored gloves, high heels.女士着裙装:女士要戴礼服帽子,帽子上可以有少量装饰。戴浅色手套,穿高跟鞋。英语堂欢迎大家到来

3.So guys who are unlucky enough to be losing their hair usually wear hats, or get hair replacement.那些不幸患有脱发症的男人通常都要戴着帽子或接受植发,头发稀疏的会竭尽全力使之浓密。

4.They sometimes wear hats with gold wire, in the sunpght, these gold wire will keep shining jewel-pke radiance as people move .它们有时会在帽子里面穿上金丝,在阳光下,这些金丝也会随着人们的走动,不断闪耀着宝石般的光芒。

5.Maybe the speakers could wear hats or talk in funny accents to make their definitions clear.也许发言者应该戴上帽子开路,要么用滑稽的语言把他们的定义解释清楚。

6.they are barefooted. Also, you use your silk to make hats. People there pke to wear their hair down; they never wear hats.你们织的丝绢原是做帽子用的,但越国人喜欢披着头发,不戴帽子。

7.Women workers wear hats _in case _their hair gets caught in the machinery.女性工人穿的帽子,以防他们的头发都会被机械。

8.For years he insisted that McKinsey consultants wear hats.他多年来一直坚决要求麦肯锡的咨询顾问要佩戴礼帽。

9.Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama. They wear hats that are pointy with golden stars on them.男孩子手拿蜡烛,穿着白色长袍,戴着画有金色星星的帽子。

10.No, it's not mine. I never wear hats.不是,不是我的。我从不戴帽子。