


美式发音: [ˈwerər] 英式发音: [ˈweərə(r)]






1.穿戴者;佩戴人;常穿戴…的人the person who is wearing sth; a person who usually wears the thing mentioned

The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer.这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。

contact lens wearers戴隐形眼镜的人


n.1.a person wearing something such as a piece of clothing or a pair of glasses

1.穿戴者 express 表达;表示 wearer 穿戴者,佩带者 personal 个人的 ...

2.穿用者 wear 穿,戴 wearer 穿用者 wearily 疲倦地;厌烦地 ...

3.佩带者 express 表达;表示 wearer 穿戴者,佩带者 personal 个人的 ...

4.佩戴者 express v. 表达;表示 wearer n. 穿戴者,佩戴者 personal adj. 个人的,私人的 ...


6.穿着者尚(the whims of fashion)以及穿着者wearer)的个人品味(personal taste)或含蓄度(modesty)。

7.磨损物 ... wearer n.磨损物,穿戴者 wearer n.磨损物(穿戴者) These shoes will damage the wearer's feet. 穿这种鞋脚会受伤. ...


1.Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement.尽管有很多款式的制服,那些某种制服的穿着者却老是不能更换他们,直到退休。

2.The potty training readiness indicator which indicates to the caregiver when the wearer is ready to be potty trained.所述便盆训练准备就绪指示器向护理人员指示穿着者何时准备好接受便盆训练。

3.A simple motor drives two cables inside the tentacle, and the wearer controls it with a pair of switches on the upper section.一个简单的电动机驱动触须内的两根电缆,使用者则通过上部分的一对开关进行操控利用。

4.This should help the wearer to avoid attracting mujahideen rocket fire if she wanders into a war zone on her way back from the boutique.如果穿着者走出服装店、去某个战区闲逛,这身衣服应该能帮她避免引起穆斯林游击队火箭炮的攻击。

5.Although glasses spread quickly throughout Europe and Asia, there was one major problem: keeping them on the wearer's face.虽然眼镜在欧亚迅速传开,但是仍然有一个大难题:怎么把它们戴人们的脸上。

6.Ninety per cent of the time, they make the wearer look as if some weird space apen has landed on her head.十之八九,戴羽毛头饰的人看上去就好像头上顶着什么怪异的外星生物。

7.A suit costing much less would be just as warm and would cover the wearer's body just as well.A诉讼成本低得多会一样温暖,将用于佩戴的身体也很好。

8.The Solar Bikini is powered by the sun and has USB sockets stitched in for the wearer to plug in an electronic device.这款太阳能比基尼会吸收太阳光发电。衣服上还缝有USB接口,穿戴者可以把电子设备插入其中充电。

9.Cochlear implants turn sound into electronic pulses that are transmitted to the brain, allowing the wearer to "hear" .耳蜗植入装置将声音转化成电脉冲信号传入大脑,让使用者能够“听到”。

10.Indeed, sartorial poptical messaging may be easiest for the wearer, and the company the wearer keeps, when pmited to accessories.实际上,仅就配饰而言,对佩戴者及其同伴来说,用服饰传递政治信息是最容易不过的事情。