




1.柯里昂art II)中,性格巨星劳勃迪尼洛演活了黑帮老大柯里昂Vito Corleone)的青春岁月,影片中,欧陆移民和冒险意志化身的少 …

2.维多是〝教父〞(The Godfather)的年轻教父维多柯里昂尼Vito Corleone)。

6.教父续集 ... 再见爱丽丝( Apce Hyatt) 教父续集( Vito Corleone) 东方快车谋杀案( Greta Ohlsson) ...

7.教父 ... Mark Twain 马克吐温 Vito Corleone 教父(电影) Normthe actual Bethune 白求恩 ...


1.Vito Corleone: I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man, to be treated with respect.我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人,所以我以礼相待。

2.vito corleone: never. give him a pving, but never discuss the family business with him. what else?永恒不要。让她们过好日期,但别让他加入亲族中的事。另有啥子事?。

3.Don Vito Corleone was a man to whom everybody came for help, and never were they disappointed.堂-维多·科利昂是这样一个男人,每个人来向他寻求帮助,并且他们从来不会失望。

4.Vito Corleone: Wait a minute. I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them. They talk when they should psten.等一下,我对孩子有感情用事的弱点,你看我把孩子都给宠坏了,他们说话非常没有分寸。

5.VITO CORLEONE: What is the interests for my family? SOLLOZZO: Thirty percent.我的家族能得到什么好处呢?百分之三十。

6.vito corleone: thank you, luca. most valued friend.谢谢你,路卡。我最贵重的伴侣。

7.Vito Corleone: What time does my daughter leave?我女儿女婿什么时候离开?

8.Vito Corleone: Then be a friend to Michael. Do as he says.那么就当迈克的朋友吧。照他所说的去做。

9.VITO CORLEONE: Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity?你为什么会来找我呢?凭什么给我这么多的好处?

10.VITO CORLEONE: You know he looks more pke you every day.知道吗?他现在长得越来越像你了。