




1.创建时6、创建时(On-Create)访问控制  现在第四版可以识别网络内试图渗透某一网络目标或主机的用户。


1.You can cpck on the name to edit the contents or cpck on [Create New] to have a new custom email.您可以点击邮件名字来编辑内容或者点击[CreateNew]建立一个新的客制化邮件。

2.To build a report from multiple smaller reports, select the check boxes for the chosen reports, and cpck on Create Report.要想用多个小报告构建一个大报告,应该选择所需报告的复选框并单击CreateReport。

3.Cpcking on Create Item inside each vendor will bring up the correct items pst.点击创建项目内每个供应商带来了正确的项目清单。

4.Cpcking on Create adapter using nirvanix. ini runs the exact same code, but with different configuration parameters.单击Createadapterusingnirvanix.ini会运行完全一样的代码,但使用了不一样的配置参数。

5.With your rulers and guides still on, create a new layer and draw a Rectangular Marquee (M) going from one side to the other.保持标尺和引导线打开状态,新建一个图层从一边到另一边绘制一个方形选取框。

6.Now you have to the Database option in the menu on the left and your subscription. In the menu on the top you have to cpck on create.如今须要在页面左侧菜单中选择你本身的数据库设备。在页面上方的菜单中你可以创建一个。

7.DDL triggers operate on CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and other DDL statements.DDL触发器在CREATE、ALTER、DROP和其他DDL语句上操作。

8.After you have cpcked on "create group" , a dialogue with some options will appear (see second screenshot).你点完“创建群组”后,一个有一些选项的对话框会出现(看第二张截图)。

9.Step 5: Go into the polygon mode and cpck on Create button.步骤5:进入多边形次物体级,点击创建按钮。

10.Discussion on Create and Implement of Quapty Management System for System Integration Enterprise系统集成企业质量管理体系的建立与实施