







1.Often, one killer whale pops up to identify a Weddell seal perched on an ice floe (shown), then alerts others in the area.通常,一条杀人鲸突然窜出海面,以识别栖息在浮冰上的威德尔氏海豹(如图所示),然后通知该海域的其它杀人鲸。

2.The whales prefer weddell seals, which can be up to 11 feet long, rather than the more aggressive crabeater and leopard seals.鲸鱼们似乎都喜欢吃韦德尔海豹,他们能有11英尺长,比一般的黑鳕鱼和海豹都更难捕获。

3.The tropical rainforests and the Weddell Sea may, as it were, be polar opposites as habitats.热带雨林和威德尔海也许可以说是两个截然相反的栖息地。

4.Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms.在实验室里对威德尔海豹生理机制已作过描述。

5.A survey of the Weddell Sea uncovers extraordinary biological diversity .对威德尔海进行的勘察揭露了惊人的生物多样性。

6.Antarctic krill, such as this specimen in the Weddell Sea with a stomach full of yellow algae, are a critical pnk in the ocean food web.南极磷虾,正如这只在威德尔海发现的,肚子里满是黄色海藻的样本,是海洋食物网中的一个濒危环节。

7.Tiny marine snails known as sea butterfpes take many forms, including heart-shaped, such as this species in Antarctica's Weddell Sea.小海蜗牛因为有许多的种类而被称为海中蝴蝶。在南极魏德尔海还有桃心型的小海蜗牛存在。

8.A hydromedusa spreads its luminescent tentacles in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica.南极附近的魏德尔海里,一只水螅水母在伸展它的发光触须。

9.A Weddell seal mother and pup with their breathing hole, which must be kept continuously open.一只威德尔海豹(Weddellseal)母亲和她的幼崽待在透气孔边上,透气孔必须得始终保持通畅。

10.Darkness in Antarctica's Weddell Sea gives this comb jelly a chance to show off its candy - colored bioluminescent cells.南极洲韦德尔海的黑暗,让这只梳形水母有机会向我们展示它发冷光的糖果色细胞。