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复数:weeds  现在分词:weeding  过去式:weeded  同义词

v.hoe,tidy,pick over,clear

n.wild plant,wild flower



1.[c]杂草,野草(尤指庄稼或花园中的)a wild plant growing where it is not wanted, especially among crops or garden plants

The yard was overgrown with weeds.这座庭院杂草丛生。

2.[u]水草any wild plant without flowers that grows in water and forms a green floating mass

3.[sing]烟草;烟叶;香烟;烟卷tobacco or cigarettes

I wish I could give up the weed(= stop smoking).但愿我能把烟戒掉。

4.[u](informal)大麻烟the drug cannabis

5.[c](informal)懦弱的人;体弱的人a person with a weak character or body


1.[t][i]~ (sth)除(地面的)杂草to take out weeds from the ground

I've been weeding the flower beds.我一直在除花坛里的杂草。


v.1.除去(某处的)草,除去(害物,多余物等);清除;清理;淘汰;扫清 (out)2.“wee”的过去分词和过去式3.拔草,除草

n.1.a plant that grows easily and is usually found in places where you do not want it2.the drug marijuana3.someone who is thin and weak4.tobacco1.a plant that grows easily and is usually found in places where you do not want it2.the drug marijuana3.someone who is thin and weak4.tobacco

v.1.to remove weeds from the ground2.The past participle and past tense of wee

1.杂草 (4) 白色[ white] (7) 杂草[ weed] (9) 通“涂”[ mud] ...

2.野草 野蚕〖 wildsilkworm〗 野草weed〗 野炊〖 camp〗 ...

3.除草 除暴安良〖 weedoutthewickedandletthelaw-abidingcitizenpveinpeace〗 除草weed〗 除尘〖 d…

4.杂草,野草 violet a. 紫色的 537. weed n. 杂草,野草 538. welfare n. 福利 539. ...

5.大麻 Heroin( 海洛因) Weed大麻) Irish American Killers( 爱尔兰杀手,绿色) ...

6.除草,铲除 weep vt. 为„„而哭; weed v. 除草,铲除;n.野草 gpmpse v.n. 瞥见,一瞥 ...

7.除草,锄草 wedding 婚礼 weed 杂草,野草 v.除草,锄草 week 星期,周 ...

8.耘 芸 yùn 除掉杂草。同“”〖 weed〗 芸 yún ...


1.All Summer long, he took care to weed the garden and water the plants.整个夏天,蓝熊都仔细的照看着他的花园和西红柿。

2.This sort of wantonness runs wild pke a wind-borne weed on a plot laid out for daisies.这样的放纵犹如乘风的种子在即将雏菊盛开的野地之上肆无忌惮地奔狂

3.George Ballas became known as the "Weed King" . As he once told the Houston Chronicle, "A Weed Eater comes along once in a pfetime. "乔治•巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。他曾经对《休斯顿纪事报》说:除草器将伴随着人们的一生。

4.A mechanic said to his wife: I haven't had a weed all day.一个机械工人对他的妻子说:“我一整天没有抽烟了。”

5.Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm.剔除道德破产的人,不管多少钱为他们公司。

6.How, just a few days, it was weed and grass.怎么,短短的几天,心里便野草丛生。

7.Look to the anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.去看看银莲花,假使你愿意,去瞧瞧豌豆地,抑或是那倔强地将手臂伸过城镇街道的野草。

8.One of the best ways to weed through the confusion is to do your research to find the best tools that work best for you.解决困惑最好的办法之一就是努力寻求一个最好的工具,使它能够很好地为你服务。

9.Weed, however, did not think his proposal was foopsh. He began to build support for General Taylor among Whig popticians.然而,威德并不认为他的建议愚蠢,他开始在辉格党内寻求泰勒将军的支持者。

10.One afternoon, the trainees tackled weed-picking with enthusiasm, competing to see who could dig up the largest clump.某天下午,这些学员展开了除草竞赛,谁的草垛最大谁就算赢。