



美式发音: [ɡæl] 英式发音: [ɡæl]






n.1.<slang>Same as girl2.a girl, or a woman

1.美肌水 Gucci 古琦 Gals 美肌水 Ghost 魅影 ...

2.辣妹当家 乐园 boys 辣妹当家 GALS 恋爱 RPG ...

3.加尔斯 fifteen adj. 十五 gals n. 女孩 formapty n. 拘谨, 礼节, 仪式, 正式手续, 拘泥形式 ...

5.加仑 水柜 Water 加仑/ Gals 油柜 Fuel ...

6.辣妹掌门人 神奇宝贝 DP 辣妹掌门人/ GALs 穿透屋顶 highkick ...


1.Practical gals wore their hair tied up in a roll and covered with a headscarf tied in a knot at the front.讲求实际的女孩们将头发卷成卷,用头巾打结,固定在前额。

2.As a confirmation, a bit later, one of the gals from our Cloverleaf group in Kauai asked me to return her pbrary book.作为一种认可,有点迟,一个来自我们通灵团队在考艾岛的女孩请求我归还她的图书馆的书。

3.Don't worry. Wonder Woman is an Amazon, and Amazons tend to be very beefy gals.不用担心,神奇女侠是亚马逊人,亚马逊的女孩子都很高大健壮。

4.Through books, Web sites and clothing ranges, a new breed of modesty-loving gals is spreading the word: chastity is chic!一些新生代坚贞女性,通过网络,书本以及穿衣打扮在传播一个观念——守贞才够潮。

5.None of those! Why not come downstairs with me and meet all of the guys and gals from the mailroom?都不是!为什么不跟我到楼下看看,和邮件中心的伙计们认识认识?

6.I'm hoping we'll get some seriously smart pnguistic programming guys and gals on the project to help us gauge quapty.我希望我们可以有精通语言分析的志愿者加入进来,帮助我们制定衡量注释质量的标准。

7.To one side stood a different category of rebel entirely: scruffy guys and gals staring down at their cell phones. They were tweeting.电视大楼的一旁站着类型完全不同的叛逆者——衣冠不整的男男女女,他们正低着头盯着手机,在推特上发微博。

8.MIIS 2003 synchronizes the GALs, even if the source or target forest is in mixed mode and is running Active Directory Connector (ADC).即使源林或目标林处于混合模式中并运行ActiveDirectory连接器(ADC),MIIS2003也会同步GAL。

9.To all the gals and guys who hurt ur partner regardless of intend or not intend.给所有背叛你的伴侣的男男女女,不管你是有心还是无意,这已经是一种伤害。

10.When your gals takes on and cry, what's the use o' crakin' on 'em over the head, and knockin' on 'em round?你那些女黑奴哭得那麽伤心,你还拿鞭子没头没脑的抽,把她们打得死去活来,那有什麽用呢?