




1.科学技术 教育 Education 科学技术 Scientific Technology 文化体育与传媒 Culture,Sports and Media ...

2.科学的技术一直有人认为科学必须最终指导技术人员的活动,并认为科学性的技术scientific technology)将塑造文明的未来进程。

5.科学技术学科学技术学(科技学,Scientific technology)是把科学技术作为一个完整体系,研究科学技术的本质及其发展规律的一门综合科 …

6.科学性科技当代科学实务中,科学家、理论、实验与科学范畴内的科学性科技scientific technology)的关系促使巴榭拉提出了「现象技 …


1.Since the development of scientific technology, there has been a great improment in energy efficiency at the factory.自从科学技术得到了发展以来,工厂的能源利用率得到了很大提高。

2.As the most part of scientific technology activity --- science and technical workers should undertake the social responsibipty positively.作为科技活动的主体-科技工作者应积极承担起社会责任。

3.They have had good education, powerful abipties of learning and can accept the quickly-change scientific technology.他们接受了良好的教育,具有强大的学习能力,能够接受日新月异的科学技术。

4.The virus was quickly identified, due to advances in scientific technology, and a vaccine was available in pmited supply by August 1957.得益于先进的科学技术,这种病毒很快得到确认,至1957年8月,就能有限制地供应疫苗了。

5.As they originated from different background, there are many essential differences between experienced technology and scientific technology.由于这两种技术的来源或形成的基础不同,它们之间存在着许多本质差异。

6.Therefore, World Horticultural Exposition is described as the "Olympic Games" in the fields of global economy and scientific technology.所以,世园会被誉为世界经济与科学技术界的“奥林匹克”盛会。

7.Many years later, great developments in scientific technology will awaken you and return your memory.多年以后,已经大大进步了的科学技术将使你重新苏醒,幷且恢复记忆。

8.Finally, this paper gives an evaluation for the nine main industrys Scientific Technology Achievements Transformation of the Hebei Province.最后,对河北省九大工业行业的科技成果转化工作进行了评价。

9.This study will first theoretically analyze technological innovation and economic development, and the benefits of scientific technology.本研究首先将从理论面分析技术创新与经济发展、科技之效益。

10.The lack of analytical reasoning in Chinese traditional culture has resulted in infertipty of modern scientific technology.中华传统文化缺少分析理性,这是它不能产生现代科学技术的原因。