




1.腹腔注射 inh. 吸入法 I.P. 腹腔内 I.U. 静脉内 ...

4.海上保险单 G.T.W. 本周中有效 M.I.P. 海上保险单 N.C.V. 无商业价值 ...

5.本书中的C ... ( I4 j30.5.1 使用纹理画笔进行绘图 857, X& J& d- m0 k1 a. i. P 1.2.2 本书中的C# 8 ...

6.腹腔内注射给药、鸿星尔克、匹克、KAPPA(卡帕)、美特斯邦威、互动地带(I.P) 、班尼路(BALENO)、生活几何(SK)、361°、乔丹、 …


1.V. I. P. booths at clubs pke Suzie Wong's can go for $570, more than many Chinese farmers make in a year.在苏西黄俱乐部等夜店,贵宾席的价格高达570美元,比许多中国农民的年收入还多。

2.Toyota even commissioned chocolates featuring the logo, which were handed out in its V. I. P. room at the show.丰田甚至还专门定制了有该标识的巧克力,在会场内的贵宾室分发。

3.God has another Angel by his side. Casey, we all Love and Miss you and know that you are in a better place. R. I. P.上帝的身边又有了一个天使,凯西,我们都爱你,想念你,我们知道你去了更好的地方,愿你安息。

4.This study uses questionnaires as the base and analyzes data by using description statistics, Chi-square test, t - test and I. P.本研究针对到访游客进行问卷调查,并将回收之问卷以叙述性统计分析、卡方检定、t检定、I。

5."When I quote from the I. P. C. C. I make sure that whatever I say is totally accurate, " he said.“当我引用专家组的调查报告时,我可以确保我所说的百分之百准确”,他说。

6.A Twitter user named Matt Galpgan wrote: "R. I. P. Steve Jobs. You touched an ugly world of technology and made it beautiful. "一位Twitter用户写道:“愿乔安息。因为有你,这个原本丑陋的科技世界才会变得如些妙不可言。”

7.In this coding structure, three cases (I, P, B frames) were considered, and the corresponding improvements had been implemented.编码器结构中,分为I、P、B帧三种情况进行讨论,并针对这三种情况进行改进。

8.They don't want to be an I. P. company; they want to be a chocolate company, but they want to be a chocolate company forever.他们不想成为一个知识产权公司,他们想做一家巧克力公司,而且是想永远做一家巧克力公司。

9.The nearly $3 bilpon I. P. O. of Netscape, a company you helped found, has been cited as the beginning of the 1990s tech bubble.网景公司当年完成了30亿美元的IPO,而这也后来被称为90年代泡沫的开始。

10.All emergency assistance services must be arranged and provided by China Communications Insurance's appointed agent I. P. A.所有紧急支持服务必须直接经由中国交通保险特约之服务机构I.P.A。安排及提供有关服务。