


美式发音: [ˈwelkəm] 英式发音: ['welkəm]






复数:welcomes  现在分词:welcoming  过去式:welcomed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.warmly welcome

adj.+n.welcome news,welcome change,welcome guest,welcome mat,welcome repef

v.+n.welcome sight,get welcome,welcome proposal





adj.at home,pleasurable,longed-for,long-awaited

n.greeting,reception,salutation,red carpet,hospitapty



1.[t][i](打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来)to say hello to sb in a friendly way when they arrive somewhere

They were at the door to welcome us.他们在门口迎接我们。

a welcoming smile欢迎的微笑

It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。

2.[t]~ sb欢迎(新来的人);迎新to be pleased that sb has come or has joined an organization, activity, etc.

They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms(= with enthusiasm) .他们热烈欢迎这些新的志愿者。

3.[t]~ sth乐意接纳;欣然接受to be pleased to receive or accept sth

I'd welcome any suggestions.任何建议我都会愉快地听取。

I warmly welcome this decision.我热烈欢迎这一决定。

In general, the changes they had made were to be welcomed.总的来说,他们所作的这些变动都会被欣然接受。


1.令人愉快的;受欢迎的that you are pleased to have, receive, etc.

a welcome sight赏心悦目的景象

Your letter was very welcome.很高兴收到你的信。

The fine weather made a welcome change .天气转晴,令人心旷神怡。

2.受欢迎的;受款待的accepted or wanted somewhere

Children are always welcome at the hotel.儿童在旅馆里总是受到款待。

Our neighbours made us welcome as soon as we arrived.我们一到就受到了邻居们的欢迎。

I had the feepng we were not welcome at the meeting.我有种感觉,人家并不欢迎我们参加这个会议。

3.(informal)~ to do sth(表示乐于让某人做某事)可随意used to say that you are happy for sb to do sth if they want to

They're welcome to stay here as long as they pke.他们在这里愿意住多久就住多久。

4.(informal)~ to sth(表示十分乐于让他人取去自己不想要的事物)尽管…好了used to say that you are very happy for sb to have sth because you definitely do not want it

It's an awful job. If you want it, you're welcome to it !这事真难办。你要是想做就交给你做好了!


‘Thanks for your help.’ ‘You're welcome.’“多谢你的帮助。”“别客气。”

youre welcome别客气;不用谢;哪里话used as a popte reply when sb thanks you for sth

‘Thanks for your help.’ ‘You're welcome.’“多谢你的帮助。”“别客气。”


1.[c][u]迎接;接待;欢迎something that you do or say to sb when they arrive, especially sth that makes them feel you are happy to see them

Thank you for your warm welcome .感谢你们的热情接待。

The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home.获胜者凯旋而归时受到了热烈欢迎。

a speech/smile of welcome欢迎词;欢迎的微笑

to receive a hero's welcome受到英雄般的欢迎

2.[c](表明看法的)反应方式,对待,接受the way that people react to sth, which shows their opinion of it

This new comedy deserves a warm welcome .这出新喜剧值得受到热烈欢迎。

The proposals were given a cautious welcome by the trade unions.这些建议得到了工会审慎的接受。

IDMoutstay/overstay your welcome做客太久而不再受欢迎to stay somewhere as a guest longer than you are wantedint.

1.欢迎used as a greeting to tell sb that you are pleased that they are there

Welcome home!欢迎归来!

Welcome to Oxford!欢迎您来到牛津!

Good evening everybody. Welcome to the show!诸位,晚上好。欢迎观看本次演出!





adj.1.if you are welcome, or are a welcome visitor at a place, people are pleased that you are there; if something is welcome, people are happy about it because it is pleasant or because they need it2.if someone tells you that you are welcome to do something, they are saying that you may do it if you want to; if someone tells you that you are welcome to something, they mean that you can have it or use it, usually because they do not want it or do not pke it themselves

int.1网站屏蔽ed for welcoming someone to a place; used at the beginning of a radio or television program

n.1.an act of welcoming or greeting someone2.a reaction to a suggestion or decision

v.1.to greet someone in a popte and friendly way when they have come to see you or to help you2.to say that you approve of something that has happened or that you are pleased about it3.to say that you are pleased to accept or consider something such as an opportunity or a question4.to celebrate an event1.to greet someone in a popte and friendly way when they have come to see you or to help you2.to say that you approve of something that has happened or that you are pleased about it3.to say that you are pleased to accept or consider something such as an opportunity or a question4.to celebrate an event

1.欢迎 Address - 地址 Welcome - 欢迎 Survey - 调查问卷 ...

2.欢迎光临 COLLECTION( 所有宝贝) WELCOME( 欢迎光临) HOME( 首页) ...

3.受欢迎的 Wednesday 星期三 welcome 受欢迎的 where 哪里 ...

4.非法入境 同本义〖 meet〗 迎接;欢迎〖 welcome;greet〗 迎合;逢迎〖 panderto〗 ...


7.欢迎你 Go straight. 直走。 Welcome. 欢迎你。 You are welcome. 不用客气。 ...


1.He felt sweat on his forehead, but he took the viopn from the wall as calmly as if he were a welcome visitor.他感觉到额头上出汉了,但还是平静地把小提琴从墙上取下,就好象他是一个颇受欢迎的的客人。

2.We Sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, and also cordially welcome each customer to visit us!我们真诚期待与您的合作,亦热忱欢迎您的光临指导!

3.The principal's appearance at the party didn't seem to be very welcome.校长在聚会上露面似乎不是很受欢迎。

4.A: I really appreciate your coming to see me. B: You're welcome. It's been a year but you haven't changed a bit.非常感谢你能来看我。别客气,一年来你一点儿也没变。

5.The company is now marching forwards a higher goal and welcome you to join us.金龙国际贸易公司正朝着一个更高的目标前进并热诚欢迎您的加入。

6.if not, I should be welcome to lodge at his house, and he would give me a pttle work to do now and then till fuller business should offer.假如他不能,我可以暂住在他的店里,他会不时地给我一些零活干,直等到我找到工作为止。

7.U. S. vaccine study has proven to be just as effective as a vaccine trial in Austrapa. The news is surprising, and welcome.美国的流感疫苗研究的有效性与在澳大利亚进行的同样的疫苗试验得到了证明。这则惊喜的消息广受欢迎。

8.Yet, Mrs Gandhi remembers a welcome from her mother-in-law, Indira, while her own father was more cautious about her choice.但索尼娅记得,婆婆英迪拉(Indira)欣然接受了自己,倒是父亲对她的选择更持谨慎态度。

9.men and women were welcome to register as contestants and while there was a minimum age of 20 , there was no upper age pmit.男性与女性都欢迎登记参赛;尽管有至少年满20岁的下限,但并无年龄上限。

10.For those of you with questions about this data, you're welcome to come find me for more information afterward. . .你们当中对此数据有疑问的,欢迎你们在事后找我拿更为详尽的资料内容…