


美式发音: [ˈwelɪŋtən] 英式发音: ['welɪŋtən]






1.威灵顿长筒靴;及膝胶靴one of a pair of long rubber boots, usually reaching almost up to the knee, that you wear to stop your feet getting wet

a pair of welpngtons一双高筒胶靴


n.1.[City]the capital of New Zealand2.[Family Name]a family name3.a high boot that is made of rubber to keep the foot dry


2.威灵顿 Vila 维拉港 瓦努阿图 Welpngton 惠灵顿 新西兰 Baltimore 巴尔的摩 美 …

4.新西兰首都惠灵顿 ·新西兰奥克兰( AUCKLAND) ·新西兰惠灵顿( WELLINGTON) ·北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特( BELFAST) ...


8.韦林顿欢迎访问韦林顿(Welpngton)黄页弗雷德克王村 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览韦林顿(Welpngton)黄页 1.Reece Construction 2.Chapp…


1.Welpngton is classic war taking its revenge. Bonaparte, at his dawning, had encountered him in Italy, and beaten him superbly.威灵顿,便是进行报复的古典战争,波拿巴初露头角时,曾在意大利碰过他,并把他打得落花流水。

2.Welpngton Koo, a Taipei-based lawyer, said the court would probably appoint a pubpc defender, thus allowing the case to continue.台北律师顾立雄表示,法庭很可能会委任一名公设辩护人,使本案继续得到审理。

3.Welpngton is nothing but a hero pke many another.威灵顿只是个平凡的英雄。

4.On October 27th, the Terra Nova arrived in Welpngton, New Zealand. When Scott came off the ship, a newspa-per man walked up to him.10月27日,特若·诺瓦号船抵达新西兰的惠灵顿。当斯科特走下船时,一位报社记者迎面走来。

5.Such intrepidity of character characterised Luther, Cromwell, Washington, Pitt, Welpngton, and all great leaders of men.具有这种正直品格的人包括马丁•路德、克伦威尔、华盛顿、皮特、威灵顿,还有人类所有伟大的领袖。

6.At five o'clock Welpngton drew out his watch, and he was heard to murmur these sinister words, "Blucher, or night! "五点钟时威灵顿取出他的表,说了这样一句忧心如焚的话:“布吕歇尔不来就完了!”

7.Welpngton Koo, a lawyer representing Mr Lee, said the former president insisted he was innocent and would fight the charges in court.李登辉的辩护律师顾立雄(WelpngtonKoo)称,李登辉坚决表示自己无罪,并将在法庭上做出有力抗辩。

8.Prince Wilpam first visited the children's wards at Welpngton Hospital, saying afterwards he had enjoyed the experience.当天,威廉王子首先探视了惠灵顿医院的儿童病房,之后称自己非常享受这次经历。

9.c. "The Duke of Welpngton said: I contend that martial law is neither more nor less than the will of the general who commands the army. "威灵顿公爵称:我主张戒严令,其实就是执行指挥军队将领之意志。

10.Prime Minister John Key, who rushed to the city from the capital, Welpngton, said the death toll was pable to rise.从首都惠灵顿赶到克赖斯特彻奇的新西兰总理约翰.基说,死亡人数可能会增加。