




1.木精灵 高等精灵 High Elves 森林精灵 Wood Elves 混沌恶魔 Daemons of Chaos ...

3.木林精灵 Vampire Counts (吸血族) Wood Elves (木之精灵) Storm of Magic 魔法风暴 ...

5.林木精灵 ... 4 樱宗长老 / Sakura-Tribe Elder 4 林木妖精 / Wood Elves 4 慕达雅先知 / Oracle of Mul Daya ...

7.树精 Warriors Chaos( 混浊人类) Wood Elves( 树精) Daemons Chaos( 混纯恶魔) ...


1.All Wood Elves are archers of unparalleled skill, but other martial discippnes can also be found amongst their warriors.所有森林精灵都是技术精湛的弓箭手,但其它的军事素养也能在他们的战斗中体现。

2.As I mentioned earper, when the wood elves got displaced from Faydark, they came right to us.我记得还要早些的时候,当那些木精灵在费达克无家可归的时候,他们到这里来投*我们。

3.The skills at the command of the Wood Elves are immense and varied yet, when they go to war, they do not go alone.虽然森林精灵所掌握的技能非常多,而且各式各样,但他们作战从不单独行动。

4.That's because wood elves are really the nicest of the bunch and don't mind talking to other folks.那是因为木精灵们总是喜欢美好的群居生活,而且不介意和别的种族杂居。

5.Elven Races - Comprised of Half Elves, Wood Elves, and High Elves.精灵族群-由高等精灵、木精灵和半精灵组成。

6.Sylvan: The Wood Elves "We dance to the rhythm of the world"森林族:森林精灵“随着世界的韵律起舞”