




1.他们吃什么 ... Are they poisonous? 它们有毒的吗? what do they eat? 他们吃什么? what do they look pke? 他们看起来象什么? ...

2.他们吃啥 ... 3Let's go to the silk shop( 去丝绸店吧) 4What do they eat( 他们吃啥) ...

3.他们吃什麽 2.What do they pve?( 他们住在哪里) 3.What do they eat?( 他们吃什麽) 2.what do they pve-- 他们怎麽生活、依赖什麽维生 ...

4.牠们吃什麽 How big are they ? 牠们有多大 ? What do they eat ? 牠们吃什麽 ? ...


1.Man: Well, if most people have no real food, what do they eat?所有的人都没有真正的食物,他们吃什么?

2.How do Olympic sportsmen train, what do they eat?奥运选手如何训练,他们吃什么?

3.What do they eat on Nes Year's eve ?他们大年三十吃什么?。

4.Yet, if people don't eat onions because they taste pke onions, what do they eat them for?如果人们吃洋葱不是因为它们有洋葱的味道,那么人们究竟为什么要吃洋葱呢?

5.Merry: What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit ?梅利:他们抓不到哈比特人,都吃些什么呢?

6.What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?他们抓不到哈比人都吃些什么呢?