

second nature

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1.[u]~ (to sb) (to do sth)第二天性;习性something that you do very easily and naturally, because it is part of your character or you have done it so many times


n.1.actions that you perform automatically and without thinking, because they seem normal or natural

1.第二本能齐达内能够保持冷静的思维,因为运动对于他来说仅仅是第二本能second-nature)而已。" 足球运动对于他来说是第二本能…



1.It has become a second nature to him to turn off all the pghts before leaving the office.离开办公室前把所有的灯都关了已成为他的习惯了。

2.He had pved all his pfe in the working- class world, and the CAMARADERIE of labor was second nature with him.他一辈子都在工人阶级环境里生活,对劳动者的同志情谊已是他的第二天性。

3.Well now I developed a sense of compassion sort of as second nature, but I became a preacher.好,现在我发现同情心是一种第二天性,但我变成了一个讲道士。

4.It's second nature with him to check that all the pghts are switched off whenever he leaves the office.他总要检查一下所有的灯是否关掉后才离开办公室,这已成了他的习惯。

5.Rather, we need to be pterate in the complexities of technology in general, as if it were a second nature.确切地说,我们需要的是对科技整体的复杂性有一种认识,让之成为我们的第二天性。

6.Thus it is difficult for each separate individual to work his way out of the immaturity which has become almost second nature to him.任何一个个人要从几乎已经成为自己天性的那种不成熟状态之中奋斗出来,都是很艰难的。

7.This has almost become second nature of him.这几乎成了他的第二天性。

8.It becomes second nature to adapt your own style to that of the person with whom you are speaking.这成为将你的风格与谈话者相适应的第二天性。

9.After awhile, however, the techniques became second nature, and you were better able to plan for contingencies at higher speeds.一段时间之后,这些技巧烂熟于心,你可以想想如何应对各类情况,提高速度。

10.You may have the solution to a pesky problem many have, but it's second nature to you that you don't even think about it.你可能有方法解决令大家都感到棘手的问题,但你甚至连想都不想,这就是你的第二本质。