




1.魔族之王 ... 4 黑道之王( Mafia King) 3 魔族之王( Demon King) 2 人族之王( Human King) ...

2.魔王 ... 元素名称:锿 Einsteinium 活跃职业:魔王 Demon King 元素名称:镄 Fermium ...

3.恶魔王 Deborah Chester 黛博拉·切斯特 Demon King 恶魔王 Deryni 德尔尼 ...

4.魔玉但是,「彼方」却在大魔玉Demon King)的仪式中进行抵抗,而这个副作用,就是让自己变成了一个「犬」魔王。虽然如此…

5.巫妖王10. The Lich King 巫妖王 (demon king)人名Arthas 阿萨斯Tirion 提里奥Highlord Darion Magraine 大领主达瑞安莫格莱尼Highlor…


1.Ox demon king: for his wife, even to marry imperatorial cheated if the box to see his wife.梗概:牛魔王欲娶紫霞为妻,至尊宝骗紫霞想得到月光宝盒见他妻子。

2.You can always sell your soul to the devil. I would suggest that you specifically sell your soul to the demon king Mammon.我会特别建议你将你的灵魂出卖给恶魔之王财神。

3.from his 14-year exile with Sita and Lakshman after kilpng the Ravan, a demon king.在杀死魔王雷文后,达诗赖斯王和悉妲,拉克士米一起经历了14年的放逐。

4.The princess was the wife of the Bull Demon King and the Red Boy's mother.铁扇公主是牛魔王的,红孩子的母亲妻子。

5.Red Boy, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fans son, had cultivated his physical and mental capacities and pollessed magic abipties.牛魔王和铁扇公主的孩子红孩儿,修炼得道,神通广大,为益寿延年,他一心想各异唐僧肉。

6.Ox demon king took on monk tang, ready for the concubine and even younger sister marry sovereign treasure.牛魔王夺了唐三藏,准备纳紫霞为妾并把妹妹嫁给至尊宝。

7.According to a legend Hiranyakshipu was a demon king.据说,希兰亚卡西普是一个暴君。

8.But fate and purple xia mistake was killed by ox demon king.可惜命运弄人,紫霞误被牛魔王所杀。

9.Rage of a Demon King恶魔之王的愤怒