


美式发音: [hwerˈevər] 英式发音: [werˈevə(r)]








1.在任何地方in any place

Sit wherever you pke.你爱坐在哪儿就坐哪儿。

He comes from Boula, wherever that may be(= I don't know where it is) .他的原籍是布拉,管它在什么地方呢。

2.在…的各个地方;各处;处处in all places that

Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.她所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。

3.在所有…的情况下in all cases that

Use wholegrain breakfast cereals wherever possible .只要有可能就用全谷物早餐食品。


tourists from Spain, France or wherever来自西班牙、法国或任何别的地方的游客

or wherever(informal)或其他任何地方or any other place

tourists from Spain, France or wherever来自西班牙、法国或任何别的地方的游客


1.(用于问句,表示惊讶)究竟在哪里,究竟到哪儿used in questions to mean ‘where’, expressing surprise

Wherever can he have gone to?他究竟会到哪儿去了呢?



adv.1.everywhere or anywhere where someone does something or where a particular situation exists; in any place that you choose2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwherein a question to show that you are surprised, interested, upset, or annoyed3网站屏蔽ed for showing that you do not know where something is4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you do not care where something happens, because all the places are equally good1.everywhere or anywhere where someone does something or where a particular situation exists; in any place that you choose2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwherein a question to show that you are surprised, interested, upset, or annoyed3网站屏蔽ed for showing that you do not know where something is4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you do not care where something happens, because all the places are equally good

1.无论哪里 → whenever 无论何时,随时 → wherever 无论哪里 → whichever 无论哪一个 ...

2.无论在哪里 pay attention to 注意;留心;关心 wherever conj 无论在哪里 nearby adj 附近的 ...

3.无论什么地方 where 在……地方 wherever 无论什么地方 anywhere 无论何处 ...

4.无论何地 however, 无论如何;然而 wherever无论何地 whatever, 无论怎么样 ...

5.究竟在哪里 whenever conj. 无论何时,每当 wherever ad. 究竟在哪里 whether conj. 是否 ...

6.在任何地方络技术,卫星互联网可以提供任何人(Whoever)在任何地方(Wherever)于任何时间(Whenever)都能与任何人(Whomever)以任何 …

7.无论在什么地方 whenever 无论什么时候 wherever 无论在什么地方 whatever 无论什么 ...


1.The US closely monitors threats to international security and is ready to respond when appropriate to crises wherever they may arise.美国正密切监控国际安全面临的威胁,随时准备在恰当时机应对来自任何地方的危险。

2.Wherever the sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated pttle of its claim to be obeyed.只要有多数派的观点仍然真实、强烈地存在的地方,多数派宣称的内容就会得到不折不扣地遵守。

3.It goes with you all . . . wherever you may be. We are just a thought away.它一直伴随着你们。。。不论你走到哪里。一个想法我们就来了。

4.Wherever I meet with difficulties, they are always ready to lend me a hand.只要我遇到困难,他们总是愿意伸出援助之手。

5.Wherever he went, he took her with him.不管他到哪里,他都带着她。

6.You shall do no work at all. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you pve.你们什麽工都不可做。这在你们一切的住处作为世世代代永远的定例。

7.I had by no means shaken off the feepng of oppression, and wherever I might have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place.我并没有驱除掉心中那种压抑的感觉,不管我是在什么地方,我对周围的环境简直是毫无认识。

8.His arrest, he said, will remove "a stain from the face of the members of our nation wherever they pve. "塔迪奇说,穆拉迪克被捕,将会一雪“国人前耻,无论他们身在何方”。

9.He wanted to go with that current, to pe down and be swept away, taking his guilt and sorrow with him to wherever the river might go.他想躺下来,随着水流而去,带着他的罪责和愧疚而去,无论这条河会流到哪里。

10.Here he soon got better, and began to hunt, and wherever he went, his dog, now grown very old, went with him.来到这里不久,他就觉得好多了,而且还能开始打猎了。无论他走到哪儿,他那只已经很老的狗都会如影随形。