



美式发音: [praɪz] 英式发音: [praɪz]





复数:prizes  现在分词:prizing  过去式:prized  搭配同义词

v.+n.win prize,get prize,receive prize,give prize,share prize

adj.+n.grand prize





v.1.珍视,宝贵;珍藏2.〈古〉评价;估价3.捕拿,缉捕;捕获4.〈英方〉用杠杆推动;撬开 (open out up off)1.珍视,宝贵;珍藏2.〈古〉评价;估价3.捕拿,缉捕;捕获4.〈英方〉用杠杆推动;撬开 (open out up off)



v.1.to consider something to be very important and special2.to force two things apart

n.1.a reward that you get for being successful in a sport, competition, or game, or for being better than others at something. Someone who has won a prize is called a prize winner; relating to a prize2.something very important that you try very hard to get

adj.1.good enough to deserve or win a prize2.very important or valuable

1.奖品 Judgment:February 14,2009 判断: 09年二月14日 Prizes: 奖品: Selection Committee: 推选委员会: ...

2.奖项 8 - THE VOTING 8 - 投票 9 - PRIZES 9 - 奖项 Photo Category: 图片类别: ...

3.奖金 satisfaction 满意 prizes 奖金 stations 火车站,局 ...

4.奖励 C. Certificates: 发证书 D. Prizes: 奖励 I. BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS: 1.竞赛前 ...

5.奖项设置 * 参赛要求及办法 Rules and Regulations * 奖项设置 Prizes * 报名表格 Registration form ...

6.获奖 Education: 学历 Prizes: 获奖: Solo Exhibitions: 个展 ...

7.颁奖 B. Check contest results( 核实竞赛结果) D. Prizes颁奖) ...

8.战利品 攻击 Attack 战利品 Prizes 死亡 Death ...


1.With 30 Puptzer Prizes for photography, we offer opportunities and challenges far beyond those of any other news organization.已获30个普利策摄影奖的我们,提供的机会和挑战远胜于其他任何新闻组织。

2.New York offers some prizes I shall miss , and I can only hope to find them elsewhere .当然,纽约也有一些值得我怀念的东西,我只能期望在别处也能找到同样的安慰。

3.Its silk won gold and silver prizes at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London and was presented as a gift to Queen Victoria.辑里丝在1851年英国伦敦举办的第一届世博会上赢得金奖和银奖,并被作为礼物献给维多利亚女王。

4.What was one of the prizes for winning an Olympic competition?赢得奥运竞赛将获得一样什么奖品?

5.The foundation will use BT's support to raise sponsorship and cover the costs of launching at least two new prizes a year.X基金会将利用英国电信的支持筹集更多赞助,弥补一年至少推出两项新奖金的成本。

6.When Koza began to inspect the insides of his highly evolved prizes, he had the same shock that Sims and Ray did: the solutions were a mess!当柯扎开始检查他的高度演化战利品内部时,他象辛姆斯和雷那样感到震惊:那些解决方案[简直]是一团糟!

7.The University's achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years.剑桥大学的理科成就可以由历年来大学成员获得的60升至更多的诺贝尔奖来衡量。

8.Meanwhile Moisson was in no doubt which of the alternative prizes on offer he would be claiming--100 pounds or his partner's weight in beer.与此同时,莫瓦森毫不犹豫地在大赛提供的奖品中——100英镑或者与他的搭档体重相当的啤酒——做出了选择。

9.Wisdom, resipence and a mature perspective are often cited as the hard-won prizes of aging. But growing old itself is an accomppshment.智慧,有弹性,成熟这些都是用来对衰老的艰难胜出的奖励。,不过变老本身就是一种成就。

10.The very act of awarding prizes seems to throw Tinseltown into a state of cognitive dissonance.颁奖的真正效果似乎是将浮华镇抛进了一个认知失调的状态。