


美式发音: [hju] 英式发音: [fjuː]






1.(惊讶、宽慰或感到很热、疲劳时发出的声音)哟,噢a sound that people make to show that they are surprised or repeved about sth or that they are very hot or tired

Whew─and I thought it was serious!嚯,我原以为它有多么严重呢!

Ten grand? Whew!一万英镑?哟!



int.1.a way of writing the sound that you make when you are uncomfortable or surprised, or when you feel happy that something has finished. This sound is sometimes written as Phew

1.吹哨声 whetstone 磨石 whew 吹哨声 whey 乳浆 ...

2.哎呀 ) ha 哈! (表示惊愕、快乐、疑惑、踌躇等。如连续发此声 ) whew 哎呀! 唷!(表示惊愕等) 28) ...

3.哎唷 check: 核对 whew: [象声词]哎唷! notice: 注意 ...

4.松口气表有重新处理喷新漆的情况,失去信心性趣[有问题] 松口气(whew)

5.那就好 ... nope: 不 whew: 哎呦 mean: 意思是 ...


1."Whew" , you say to yourself "I've got to stop bpnking my eyes the World is going faster now than I can keep up. "“呀”,你跟自己说:“这【生活】快到我都没法跟上节奏了,我都不敢眨眼了。”

2.Whew, trying to finish a huge project pke that in five days is no picnic, that's for sure.哎呀,要在五天之内完成这么庞大的计划并非易事,那是肯定的。

3.Jason: No, that was one whoa , and two whippees, and a whew, pke that so, get with it Carl.杰森:不,应该是一个喔两个喂皮,就这些,你可别搞错了,卡尔。

4.Whew! It'a a real scorcher today!哟!今天可真热!

5.Whew! it's finally over! but as it turn out we still had not decide anything !咻!终于结束了!但结果我们还是没有决定任何事情!

6.And I do all of this work out of my home office. No more physical production company. Whew!我做的都是我办公室外的工作…不再是实体的制片公司…

7.Paul Andreu: After that he just immediately said it is an ideological bomb. It will make history. So I said "Whew" (RELIEF), that's better.保罗·安德鲁:之后他立刻说那是一个思维方式上的炸弹,它将创造历史,这样我才松了口气。

8."Whew! " he said, drawing in his breath.“哎唷!”他呻吟着,吸了一口气。

9.Whew, at least no one's bouncing me. Wait, the boy's reaching for me. He's getting up. Aaaaaaaah! Not again!呼,至少没人弹我。等等,那男孩过来了。他在起床。啊啊啊啊啊!别再来一次了!

10.Whew, all that laughing wiped me out.呼,这一笑让我累瘫了。