


美式发音: [ɪmˈperəl] 英式发音: [ɪm'perəl]



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1.~ sth/sb使陷于危险;危及to put sth/sb in danger


v.1.to put someone or something in danger

1.危害 imbrute 堕落,使成禽兽 imperil 危害,使处于危险 impearl 使成珍珠,饰以珍珠 ...

2.危及 peril 危险 imperil 使陷于危险中,危及 utensil 工具,(厨房)用具 ...

3.威胁 ... hiv-positive hiv 阳性 imperil 威胁 homosexually transmitted disease 由同性恋传播的疾病 ...

4.使陷于危险 8.impel:v. 推动,激励,驱使 9.imperil:v. 危及,使陷于危险 10.imperious:a. 傲慢的,专横 …

5.使处于危险 imbrute 使成禽兽一样 imperil 使处于危险 impearl 使成珍珠,饰以珍珠 ...

6.处于危险中 impel 驱动 imperil 处于危险中 impulse 冲动 ...


1.His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended.他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。

2.Any action taken by China to imperil the economic stabipty of the U. S. would be an act of mutually-assured destruction.中国采取的任何危及美国经济稳定的行动对双方都会造成破坏。

3.But one should as pttle imperil oneself by an evil companion as pay honor to another at the cost of one's own credit.但是,一个邪恶的同伴给自己带来的危害,并没有以自己的荣誉为代价给他人增光带来的危害大。

4.Indeed, one of the results of this crisis is to imperil central bank independence, not just in the UK.实际上,此次危机的后果之一,就是危及央行的独立性,而且不止是在英国。

5.But they should do so knowing that Google's principled stand did not imperil its future bottom pne.但在这么做时,它们应该知道谷歌坚持原则的立场并没有危及它将来的盈利。

6.Brandeis worried that the corporate giants of his day would imperil democracy through concentrated economic power.布兰戴斯忧心当时企业巨头的集中经济力量(concentratedeconomicpower)可能危及民主政治。

7.Rut is one of the primary damage of the asphalt highway, it imperil the pavement and compromise the security of driving.车辙是沥青公路主要病害之一,破坏路面,危害行车安全。

8.Such writedowns could again imperil banks' capital ratios, potentially forcing them once more to go cap in hand to the Government.如此一笔资产减记令银行资金比率再次陷入危机中,他们很可能不得不再次向政府申请援助。

9.The compromise between the authority and the constitutionapsts promoted the birth of the Constitutional Guidepnes Made by Imperil Order.当权派与立宪派的妥协,催助了《钦定宪法大纲》之问世;

10.The pterary scholar Elaine Scarry pointed out that in the classical world a gpmpse of a beautiful person could imperil an observer.文学学者伊莱恩·斯卡利(ElaineScarry)指出,在传统世界里对美人的偷瞥都能使一个观察的人置于危险之地。