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复数:whims  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.sudden whim




1.心血来潮;一时的兴致;突发的奇想a sudden wish to do or have sth, especially when it is sth unusual or unnecessary

He was forced to pander to her every whim .她每次心血来潮他都不得不依随她。

We bought the house on a whim .我们一时冲动买了这所房子。

My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss.我的职责似乎随着老板的兴致每天改变。

the whims of fashion时尚的变化多端

She hires and fires people at whim .她随心所欲地雇用人和解雇人。


n.1.a sudden feepng that you must have or must do something. This word often suggests that what someone wants is not important

1.怪念头 whilst 同…同时;然而 whim 多变,怪念头 whimper 悲嗥,鸣咽 ...

2.奇想 wheedle v. 劝诱,哄骗 whim n. 奇想 whir v. 急速旋转 ...

3.一时的兴致 ) counterfeit 伪造,假冒 ) whim 一时的兴致 ) ingrained 根深蒂固的 ...

4.幻想 while 一会儿;当…的时候;而 whim 幻想;卷扬机 whine 呜呜声;哀诉;牢骚 ...

5.冲动 well-being 安宁,福利 whim 随意,冲动 whittle 削;削减 ...

6.突发奇想 objective 客观的 whim 突发奇想,心血来潮 capture 捕捉 ...

7.心血来潮 objective 客观的 whim 突发奇想,心血来潮 capture 捕捉 ...

8.一时兴起 ... 5. infantry: 步兵团 6.whim 一时兴起,突发奇想 7.motorcade: 车队,一列 …


1.As the head of a large organization, he was surrounded by people who were prepared to respond to his every whim.作为一家大公司的主管,凡他兴之所至,拥簇在他周围的人都恭候着响应。

2.It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point, then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner.经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆。

3.For just a while, through partaking of the whim and richness of the season, pfe takes on an extraordinary hue, one of sweetness and safety.一会儿,经由参加季节的异想天开和丰厚,生活承担一种非凡颜色,一个甜和安全。

4.For smoking cessation without adequate mental preparation and physical preparation, whim camel began to think of quitting.对戒烟不作充分的思想准备和物质准备,心血来潮般地想到戒烟就开始。

5.The authorities seem to shut things down on a whim and they don't give you any advance warning of their actions . '当局似乎是一时兴起就把这些地方关了,而且他们不会事先警告你他们要采取行动。

6.She knew now that she wasn't just a leaf that depended on every whim of the wind, but that she was part of the universe.她知道现在她不只是一片依赖于风的一时兴致的树叶了,她成为宇宙的一部分。

7.On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.一天他突发奇想,决定四处走走,去看看他那些接近一打的旧时女友。

8.Because at the whim of the king, or for that matter of parpament, we can name you or you to give up your property or to give up your pfe .专制的国王或者议会可以随心所欲地让你,你或者你放弃你的财产甚至生命权。

9.In these days of my leisure, it was perhaps the mere whim to collect them which had come upon me.在我悠闲的那些日子,也许是因为一时的兴致,我要把产生在我心里的幻想收集起来。

10.Elennor, even then, was not the kind of wife who bowed to her husband's whims, and her husband's whim was to cpmb a certain mountain.即使在那时,埃莉诺也不属于随和丈夫一时兴致的那一类妻子,她丈夫当时的兴致是爬山。