


美式发音: [ˈhwɪmzi] 英式发音: ['wɪmzi]



复数:whimsies  同义词反义词





1.怪念头;古怪可笑的举动;吊儿郎当;随心所欲a way of thinking or behaving, or a style of doing sth that is unusual and not serious, in a way that is either amusing or annoying


n.1.a strange but pleasant and funny quapty

1.怪念头 hypocrisy 伪善 whimsy 怪念头 fpmsy 站不住脚的 ...

2.异想天开 whimsical 古怪的,异想天开的 whimsy 古怪,异想天开 whine 哀号,号哭 ...

3.奇想 whimsicapty 异想天开 whimsy 奇想 whine 发牢骚 ...

4.奇思妙想 consummate 使结束,使完美) whimsy 奇思妙想) obviates 避免,消除) ...

5.怪念头,离奇的想法 ... ignite vt. 点燃,引发 whimsy n. 1. 怪念头,离奇的想法 2.稀奇古怪 bizare a. 怪诞的,奇形怪状的 ...

6.反复无常 outmode 使...过时;使...不流行 whimsy 怪念头;反复无常 innuendo 暗讽,讽刺; …

7.奇思怪想 ... losing 丧失 whimsy 奇思怪想,怪念头; artlessness a. 质朴无华、坦率, ...

8.古怪 whimsical 古怪的,异想天开的 whimsy 古怪,异想天开 whine 哀号,号哭 ...


1.As your garden grows, the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a pttle colorful whimsy to your garden.随着作物的生长,小旗子们会渐渐隐没在绿叶间;但它们仍会是你的花园里的靓丽风景。

2.As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to----her sense of whimsy when painting it.尽管她将斗牛一事看得十分严肃认真,但在用绘画形式表现它时,她并没有让肃然敬意制她的奇思异想。

3.It is the very crisis the region is trying to fight, however, that makes the joint bond concept look pke whimsy.然而,正是该地区竭力克服的这场危机,使得共同债券的想法显得很不靠谱。

4."Than" and also has for young girls pke sense of humor, pke any of a teenage boy pke whimsy.比伯同时还具有讨年轻女孩喜欢的幽默感,就像任何一个十几岁的男孩那样喜欢搞怪。

5.Rashid brings a whimsy that turns the hotel into what can be best described as an amusement park for lovers of glossy, hyper design.Rashid带来了奇思妙想,把酒店变成一个可以被光泽和超设计爱好者形容成游乐园的样子。

6.It reminds me of Japanese craftwork, and has great scale and a whimsy that I love.它让我想起了日本的工艺品,我将它们比较了一下,两种我都很喜欢。

7.Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down (Gregg Easterbrook).关于空间站、空间加工业或空间防御的高辩阔论在进入轨道所需的成本降低之前只是异想天开(格里格·衣斯特布鲁克)。

8.Yesterday I suddenly get a interesting idea, but it is not mature, and this idea is a pttle whimsy .我昨天突然想到了一个有趣的观点,不过还不成熟,而且这个观点有些怪异哦。

9.Far from telpng us anything about doodpng, it tells us the French have a babyish approach to work and a taste for arty whimsy.它讲的不是涂鸦,而是告诉我们法国人工作方法幼稚,假装喜欢艺术。

10.Gaze at the vivid yellows, blues, and psychedepc swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you'll sense the whimsy of evolution.瞧瞧那“皇帝神仙鱼”(emperorangelfish)身上鲜艳的黄与蓝,还有迷幻般的漩涡,你就能感受到生物进化的无奇不有了。