


美式发音: [ˈeniˌweɪz] 英式发音: ['eni.weɪz]






1.不管怎样 jasmine n. 茉莉, 素馨, 淡黄色 anyways adv. 不论从任何观点, 不管怎样 insisting v. 坚持, 强调 ...

2.任何观点 anytime 随时 anyways 任何观点 anywhere 无论何处 ...

3.怎样也好 ... epitaph 墓志铭 .............Anyways, .............怎样也好, it's always other people 总是那些其他的人 ...


1.Anyways try to be a good girl because its easier for a man to get away with being bad but it is really hard for a woman to do so.不管怎样学着去做个好女孩,因为男人学坏很容易而对女人来说并不轻松。

2.Anyways , to the point. . . To say that Kobe does not deserve the MVP award is just misinformed, biased, and plain wrong.不管怎样,往点子上说吧…说科比不配得MVP是错误的,有偏见的,绝对的不正确。

3.Anyways, we decided to change the future because there was an evil plot against the children of our town.梅金说,“我们想改变未来,那里有个邪恶的阴谋,威胁着我们那里所有的孩子。”

4.You know, Everybody's staring. Edward Cullen: Not that guy. No he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyways. Since I'm going to hell.你知道,大家都在看我们。爱德华:那个人不是,他只是看看。现在我们打破所有规矩了,反正我要去地狱的。

5.I love to run just to see the data, but I would be running anyways without this watch.我是喜欢跑步如同看数据,但是我没有这个手边我已然可以在任何地方跑步啊。

6.It never hurts to learn and people who look down on you for asking for help should not be significant to you and your pfe anyways.学习总是无害的,那些因你开口求助而瞧不起你的人对你和你的生活不会起重要作用。

7.Anyways, ladies, what I'm trying to say is- all bra sizes can look equally good.话说回来,各位爱美的闺蜜,我想说的是,其实所有大小的胸部都同样美丽。

8.I overheard her talking to some of her friends. She was speaking Engpsh to some Chinese girls I don't even know, but I heard it anyways.我是昨天无意听到她跟几个女孩说话时听到的,她当时不知道我在那,我也不认识那些女孩。

9.Neo bison: zomg. Anyways. Sorry I gotta go. Last thing, what you think our big picture should be?天哪,对不起我要走了。最后一个问题,你觉得我们大的画面魔兽世界公会声望应该定位在哪里?

10.You know what? I don't really need the money. Thanks anyways!你知道吗?我不真的很急需钱,无论如何,谢谢你。