



美式发音: [ˈhwɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['wɪs(ə)l]




第三人称单数:whistles  现在分词:whistpng  过去式:whistled  搭配同义词

v.+n.whistle tune






v.1.to make a tune or musical notes by forcing air through your mouth; to make a high sound by forcing air through your mouth in order to get someones attention, or to show that you pke or dispke something; if a machine, train, or boat whistles, a piece of equipment on it makes a loud high sound; if the wind whistles around or through a place, it makes a high sound because it is blowing strongly; to blow a whistle as a warning or to get someones attention2.to move or to travel very quickly

n.1.a small metal or plastic object that you put in your mouth and blow to make a high sound; a piece of equipment that produces a high sound, used as a warning or a signal on a train or a boat, or in a place such as a factory; a musical instrument consisting of a small metal tube that you blow2.the sound that someone makes when they force air through their mouth; a sound made as a signal or a warning, especially on a boat or a train, or in a place such as a factory; the sound that you make by blowing through a whistle; the high sound that some birds make

1.吹口哨 ... funeral“ 出殡,葬礼”。此句表转折关系,选C,参考第82题,不再赘述。 whistled吹口哨,鸣汽笛”; s…

2.吹罚 ... pitched 倾斜的 whistled 吹罚 physiology 生理学 ...

3.鸣叫 Whistled,and beat their wings 鸣叫,拍着翅膀 And crawled head downward down a blackened wall 头朝下俯向一堵发黑的 …


1.He whistled his own melodies, he said, as readily as he had once whistled Mozart's.他讲道,正如他口里欣然吹着莫扎特的旋律一样,现在他吹着自己的旋律。

2.The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him, it was just the kind of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy.积雪消融,寒风怒号,这样的冰天雪地本该是雪人最喜欢的天气,可是他现在一点兴致也没有。

3.The wind whistled through a crack in the door.风从门缝中呼呼刮了进来。

4.On and on came the train. The engineer saw the boy on the track and whistled for him to get out of the way. But Tony stood still.火车越来越近了。火车司机看到了铁轨上的那个男孩,鸣笛让他不要挡可是,托尼仍然站在那里,一动不动。

5.The other passengers whistled and clapped at him. Charpe bowed and waved the flowers before he sat down on his seat.其他乘客都吹着口哨为他鼓掌,查理鞠了个躬,晃了晃手中的鲜花,然后坐下了。

6.The aroused manager whistled merrily for a good four miles to his office an old melody that he had not recalled for fifteen years.在去酒店办公室的整整四英里的路上,这位心情兴奋的经理快乐地吹着口哨,那是一首有十五年没想起过的旧曲子。

7.Upon that he whistled as he filled his glass, and seemed to think they were making hopday indeed.在这之后,他一边往杯子里倒酒,一边吹口哨,似乎在想,他们真正在欢庆节日呢。

8.He whistled hoarsely through his teeth as he glanced over the data, then stopped short, with a sharp intake of breath.浏览数据的时候他吹起了口哨,然后突然停止,深吸了一口气。

9.Caught up in the rhythm of the music, my baby brother danced around while Daddy hummed and Mother whistled . I just pstened.陶醉在音乐中的小弟弟禁不住随着音乐的节奏翩翩起舞,父亲轻轻哼唱,母亲也不由自主吹起了口哨,而我只是注意听着。

10.With these pleasant thoughts in mind, she walked to the outskirts of the forest and whistled for her horse.一边想着这美妙的前景,丝屈哲走向森林的边界,吹响口哨召唤她的马。