




1.白虾rimp) (white-leg shrimp)、白对虾white shrimp), 原产于南美洲太平洋沿岸的暖水水域, 原产于南美洲太平洋沿岸 …

3.泛称白虾rimp(太平洋白虾),有的地方则与其它虾种混淆,泛称白虾(White shrimp).

4.白虾寿司 甜虾 Sweet Shrimp 白虾寿司 White Shrimp 马粪海胆 Sea Urchin ...

5.南美白对虾 拉长虾 Elongated shrimp 南美白对虾 White Shrimp 虾仁 Peeled Prawns ...



1.The present study analyzed the temporal changes in the hemolymph glucose, lactate and triglyceride of the white shrimp under WSSV infection.本研究首先分析病毒感染对白虾血淋巴液中血糖、乳酸和三酸甘油酯的影响。

2.Features: white and green and white, lobster Hongyan end to end, fresh white shrimp, crisp green broccop cool.特点:白绿相间,龙虾头尾红艳,虾肉雪白鲜嫩,西兰花翠绿脆爽。

3.Yes, and it's nutritious. Excuse me, here's the instant-boiled white shrimp. Please enjoy yourselves.是的,它的营养价值很高。对了,这是用快火煮的小白虾,请慢用。

4.Technique for environmental friendly culture of white shrimp Penaeus vannamei池塘养殖南美白对虾试验

5.Study on Three Water Treatment Techniques in White Shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Culture三种不同方法处理海水养殖凡纳对虾的研究

6.Difference of parental contributions in the reproduction of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei凡纳滨对虾繁殖中不同亲本对子代遗传贡献率的差异

7.Pacific White Shrimp Culture in Freshwater Ponds南美白对虾淡水池塘养殖试验

8.Nonspecific immune effect of three immune preparations as feed additives on Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei三类免疫制剂对凡纳滨对虾非特异性免疫效应的研究

9.Analysis of Microsatelpte DNA Markers for the Growth Trait in White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei凡纳滨对虾生长性状的微卫星DNA标记分析

10.Yepn Hoitat Quick Frozen Seafood Co. , Ltd, -WHITE SHRIMP BREADED PEELED & DEVEINED BUTTERFLY TAIL-ON速冻海鲜食品有限公司的裹面包屑去壳去肠留蝶状尾巴的白虾