



1.One of her last albums, An Evening with Lena Horne, earned her a Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Performance in 1995.她最后的专辑之一,霍恩的一个晚上,莉娜,她的表演获得1995年格莱美奖最佳爵士歌手。

2.You've won a number of awards the sort of Chinese Grammy Awards. (WL: Right) What do these awards mean to you?你获得和许多的中文歌曲奖,这些奖项对你来说意味着什么?

3.Your father's voice sounds farther and farther away now as you clutch the Grammy close to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut.在你把格莱美紧紧地搂在怀里并使劲地闭上眼睛时,你父亲的声音听起来越来越远了。

4.Grammy Award, although the U. S. music industry awards, but it has now become the world's most influential one of the music awards.格莱美音乐奖虽然是美国唱片行业中的奖项,但它如今已经成为世界范围内最具影响力的音乐大奖之一。

5.Houston was due to sing at the Grammy Awards on Sunday, which no doubt will now become a tribute to her pfe and career.休斯顿原定于周日在格莱美唱片奖上献唱,现在,这无疑将成为她的生命和职业生涯的一场悼念。

6.The show ran for over a year, before travepng around the United States and Europe. It earned her a Tony Award and two Grammy Awards.该节目跑了一年多,以前在美国和欧洲旅行。这为她赢得托尼奖和两项格莱美奖。

7.The Grammy red carpet brought out more than a few of our favorite Hollywood couples , take a look!不少好莱坞明星夫妻档都出现在了格莱美颁奖礼的红地毯上,让我们一起来看看这些甜蜜的夫妻档吧!

8.Behind it was a man who could not bear to hear that Elvis still surpassed him, or that Madonna had won a Grammy when he hadn't.背后的他是一个不堪听到埃尔维斯仍在他之上,不屑麦当娜在他未曾获格莱美时已经荣膺的男人。

9.Likened to a pair of Olympic figure skaters, these Grammy award winners are artistically precise and musically expressive.作为格莱美奖的得主,他们的表现就如一对奥林匹克双人花样滑冰选手那样既准确又富有表现力。

10.So far, the Grammy-winning duo haven't found out the gender of their first child -- and are keeping other details close to the vest.到目前为止,格莱美奖得主多没找出性别的第一个孩子——并保持其他细节守口如瓶。