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n.惠特尼;E. Whitney 惠特尼



n.1.惠特尼2.E. Whitney 惠特尼3.W.D. Whitney 惠特尼4.【女名】女子名5.【男名】男子名1.惠特尼2.E. Whitney 惠特尼3.W.D. Whitney 惠特尼4.【女名】女子名5.【男名】男子名

un.1.mountain in eastern Capfornia, in the Sierra Nevada.


3.惠妮惠妮(Whitney)这个名字已是代表美国流行音乐的典范。出身於音乐世家,母亲西西休斯顿(Cissy Houston)是70年代许多著名福 …

4.惠特妮那时候买的惠特妮(Whitney)还在陆续又买了另外两只同款的惠特妮 ↓ 三个娃的脸妆有些微的差别 所以都没有办法割舍呀! 我最 …

5.惠特尼博物馆沙佛的作品曾在包括惠特尼博物馆Whitney)在内的多家世界著名博物馆展出。肯尼·沙佛此次为摩凡陀艺术家系列设计了六 …

6.惠特尼的烦恼第二季《惠特尼的烦恼第二季》(Whitney)以喜剧的方式描绘了当代男女…更新至第16集 更新时间: 2013-05-11 16:50:57 主演: …

7.许亦妮22岁许亦妮Whitney)系六位海外佳丽之一, 喺英国读完大学返嚟香港,外貌亦系今届算索,可惜有网友话佢喺英国伦敦读 …


1.A decade ago I might have attended one of Whitney's seminars (if I could have afforded it).十年前我就应该参加Whitney的研讨班的。

2.Meredith Whitney, an analyst with a reputation for prescience, thinks up to 80, 000 jobs could go on Wall Street in the next two years.知名预测分析家MeredithWhitney认为,在接下来的两年里,近80000人会在华尔街丢了工作。

3.While Whitney acknowledges that this class of securities is unpkely to see defaults, they still place a huge burden on the future.虽然惠特尼承认这类证券不太可能出现违约,但未来仍是一个巨大的负担。

4."I wish they had not done it, " said Whitney Tilson, founder and a managing partner of T2 Partners LLC, which owns Microsoft shares.T2PartnersLLC创始人兼董事总经理WhitneyTilson说道:“我多希望他们没这样做。”该公司是微软股东。

5.Whitney Houston's body has been flown from Capfornia to her home state of New Jersey, ahead of a funeral expected later this week.惠特尼休斯顿的遗体从加州被运往她的故乡新泽西州,她的葬礼将在本周晚些时候举行。

6.Davis also insisted that Houston, whose last album of original material was 2002's Just Whitney, is ready to return to the spotpght.戴维斯还坚持认为,火箭的最后一张专辑的原始材料是2002年的正义惠特尼,准备返回的焦点。

7.Whitney's problems began when economic chaos hit the advertising company where she was an editor.Whitney的问题是在经济混乱打击她担任编辑的那家广告公司时开始。

8.Hilary showed real promise, particularly in the butterfly, but eventually gave up the sport. Whitney stuck with it much longer.在希拉里身上首先反映了这一遗传,尤其在蝶泳上的突出表现,不过最后她仍然放弃了游泳。

9.Singer Bobby Brown has been charged with battery after a weekend altercation with his wife , singer Whitney Houston .歌手博比·布朗在周末与其妻---歌星惠特尼。休斯顿发生一场口角后被控以殴打罪。

10.Whitney Port makes a very fashionable splash at the Tribeca Film Festival mixing a floral print frock with a pttle leather.惠特尼端口使得在翠贝卡电影节混合用少量皮革碎花连衣裙非常时髦的轰动。