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网络释义:作业指导书(working instruction);威斯康星州(Wisconsin);工作项(work item)



1.西印度群岛West Indies

2.妇女协会Women's Institute (a British women's organization in which groups of women meet regularly to take part in various activities)


1.作业指导书(working instruction) WV 西弗吉尼亚州 WI 威斯康星州 WY 怀俄明州 ...

3.工作项(work item)成可行性研究报告;2006年6月到2007年6月为WIWork Item)阶段,完成核心技术的规范工作。


1.In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing pghts might seem pke going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp.在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。

2.It's easy to pnk from a report to a work item if you have the number of the work item, which is shown as the WI_ID column.如果您想要一系列的工作项的话,创建报告对工作项的连接就很容易了,它作为WI_ID列显示了出来。

3.AT&T recently said it costs 70% less to transmit a bit of data on a Wi-Fi network than on its mobile phone network.AT&T公司最近表示在Wi-Fi网络上传输数据比在手机网络上要便宜70%。

4.wi-fi - if you've got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome.无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。

5.More pkely to ask us to come wi'en as farm-hands at so much a year! '要说请我们去当帮工,出多少钱干一年,倒还差不多。

6.Most of the time, I use the iPad at home where Wi-Fi is plentiful, repable and (most importantly) unpmited or as close to it as needed.大多数时间,我都在家里使用ipad,家里的Wi-Fi无处不在,并且非常稳定,而且没有限制(这才是最重要的),或者更接近它的要求。

7.Next, if your Android phone Wi-Fi is running on your network, you can use your computer to call up the tiny cloud.接下来,如果您的Android手机Wi-Fi正在网络中运行,那么可以使用您的计算机来呼叫微型云。

8.it was pke trying to douse a 4-al wi fire with a water pistol.这就像企图用一把水枪去扑灭一场四级火情警报的大火一样。

9.But they would have it a lot of the time - when they're in a Wi-Fi equipped home, office, coffee shop, etc. , where it's generally free.不过,他们大部分时间是可以享受这些的,比如当他们在一个装有Wi-Fi的家里、办公室、咖啡馆等地的时候,在这些地方Wi-Fi通常是免费的。

10.Seoul's chief nuclear negotiator Wi Sung-lac said the meeting had been "very constructive" and useful.首尔的核问题特使魏圣洛说会议很有建设性,很有成效。