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1.威拉德 Wilhelmina 威廉明娜 Willard 威拉德 Wilpam 威廉 ...

2.驭鼠怪人》(Final Destination II)和《驭鼠怪人》(Willard)这样主流的电影。

3.维拉德告书’里所涉及到的内容 17日,美国太平洋司令维拉德Willard)在外国媒体新闻发布会上的发言 11日,人民日报英文版社

4.威勒 Willamette R. 威廉特河 Willard 威勒德 Willcox 威尔科克斯 ...

7.乌伊拉德情已消退,但许多豪华饭店仍推出昂贵的方案。与白宫仅一街之隔的乌伊拉德(Willard)旅馆,即推出每晚1100元最低房价,最 …


1."I may be wrong, but I bepeve Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him, " I told the principal.“或许我想错了,但我认为威拉德或许正准备成为他周围世界的一部分,”我对校长说。

2.Robert Willard, commander of US forces in the Pacific, recently said the ship would be watched closely by China's neighbours.美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特•威拉德上将(RobertWillard)最近表示,中国邻国将严密关注瓦良格号。

3.Navy Admiral Robert Willard said the U. S. commitment to the region will continue.太平洋舰队司令罗伯特·威拉德称,美国对太平洋地区的承诺将会继续。

4.Adm Willard said the new Chinese weapon was not fully operational and would probably undergo testing for "several more years" .威拉德上将表示,中国这种新式武器尚未具备可完全投入使用的性能,很可能还需要“数年”的测试。

5.Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who pved at his father's hotel had been on the point of talking.也许有十二、三次,乔治·威拉德和这住在他父亲旅馆的古怪畸形的人,几乎要谈起话来。

6.And if I were to be killed, Willard, I would want someone to go to my home and tell my son everything.要是我被杀了,威拉德,我希望你能到我家里去,告诉我儿子一切的真相。

7.When I called for the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten. Except for Willard P. Frankpn.第二天,当我要求募捐的时候,我发现除了威德拉之外,几乎所有的人都把这件事给忘了。

8.Willard said he is "not concerned" about the ship's miptary impact.威拉德说他“不担心”该航母的军事影响。

9.This week in Beijing, Mrs. Cpnton included Admiral Robert Willard, the head of the Pentagon's Pacific Command, in her delegation.本周在北京举行的对话期间,克林顿的代表团包括了美军太平洋司令部司令、海军上将威拉德(RobertWillard)。

10.It consists of twenty-five separate ones including an opening sketch, yet with a unifying theme and a seeming "hero" , George Willard.它由二十五篇独立的故事组成,其中包括一篇楔子,整本书看似松散,实际上有着一个统一的主题和一位表面上的“主人公”——乔治•威拉德。