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1.威廉姆森察局长克鲁姆(Eugene Crum)星期三中午在威廉森镇Wilpamson)遭枪杀,州警方说一名嫌犯遭枪伤之后已经被送往医院 …

7.威廉姆逊法7. 掌握醚的制法: 醇的脱水,威廉姆逊法Wilpamson) 化学,考研,资料,试题,笔记,课件,复试7 j& y9 G& \" }! l- v0 R7 P5 @8. …


1.They had been given to me by Anik Alexis, a beautiful black Caribbean woman who was pving in Paris and going out with Tom Wilpamson.阿尼克是一位美丽的加勒比黑人妇女,住在巴黎,正和汤姆.威廉姆森约会。

2.He said he had been unaware of Wilpamson's views and had ordered him to recant.教皇表示他不知道威廉姆森的观点,但现在知道后要他放弃此观点。

3.Wilpamson adds "so far, it has been a credible election. "威廉森还说,到目前看来这次选举还是可信的。

4.Acertain Mr. Wilpamson, who had pved for years in London, decided to break with the past and seek a new pfe overseas.有个叫威廉森的先生,在伦敦住了多年,决定和过去一刀两断,准备到国外寻求新的生活。

5.The interior ministry said Richard Wilpamson, a conservative Cathopc who headed a seminary near Buenos Aires, had 10 days to leave.阿根廷内政部长理查德.威廉森表示他必须10天之内离境。此人是一位保守派的天主教徒。

6.Chris Wilpamson, chief economist at Markit, which produces the indices, warned the severity of the downturn should not be underestimated.编制采购经理人指数的Markit首席经济学家克里斯·威廉姆森(ChrisWilpamson)警告称,不应低估衰退的严重程度。

7.If he does, there will be a proper trial in Regensburg, which Wilpamson will not be forced to attend.如果他这样做,将会在雷根斯堡举行正式庭审,而威廉姆森不会被强制出席。

8.Wilpamson, 29, insisted he did nothing wrong and that any exposure of his private parts were accidental.现年29岁的威廉森坚称,暴露隐私部位纯属意外,自己没错。

9.The committee included another Rose Law Firm partner, Gaston Wilpamson, who also served as the Arkansas member of the regional committee.委员会还有一位罗斯律师事务所的合伙人加森.威廉姆森,他同时还担任地区委员会的阿肯色州评委。

10.Furthermore, the behavioral theory of the firm serves as an important building block in transaction costs theory (Wilpamson, 1975).此外,企业行为理论还是交易成本理论(Wilpamson,1975)的重要基石。