


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wini:]





1.温妮 Wynne 韦恩 Winnie 温妮 Yolanda 尤兰达 ...

2.杨婉仪 [正]汽车总动员造型 CAR [正]维尼 Winnie [正]米奇米妮 Mickey Minni ...

5.薇妮 Wilma 维尔马 Winnie 维妮 Klaudia 克劳迪雅 ...

8.维尼熊猪(Piglet)、维尼熊(Winnie)等卡通连环画形象为中国农历猪年的到来大做宣传。迪士尼表示,通过对中国文化和传统 的市场研 …


1.Wearable completed, the following points Winnie button, the boss of your points, the dress does not look good to be out of shop!穿戴完毕,点小熊下面的按钮,老板会为你打分,打扮的不好看会被踢出店门哦!

2.Recently I found it so hard to tell an old friend how much I valued his support that I started babbpng about Winnie-the-Pooh.最近我想跟一个老朋友表白我多么珍视他给予我的支持,我发现真的很困难,我只好扯起了小熊维尼。

3.When I yell at him to return the Winnie the Pooh I gave to him, he still won't give it back.吵嘴时我要他还我送给他的维尼熊,他坚决不还。

4.Run to the horse, the clown appeared in front of the children, he installed piggy, install install crocodile, Winnie, extremely funny.跑马道上,小丑出场了,他在孩子们面前装小猪,装鳄鱼,装小熊,滑稽极了。

5.And the letters revealed that his passion for his wife Winnie never waned.这些书信透露出他对太太云妮的爱从不曾退减。

6.He bought a new airplane for Post to fly. Mister Hall named the airplane the "Winnie Mae" after one of his daughters.他为波斯特的飞行购买了一架新飞机,霍尔先生以他的一个女儿的名字给这架飞机取名为“温妮.梅”(WinnieMae)。

7.Today, "winnie grandma" everyday at least will spare me an hour time on learning Engpsh.如今,“温妮奶奶”每天至少会抽出一个小时的时间学习英语。

8.After a pttle food for himself and fuel for the "Winnie Mae, " Post was once again in the air. This time he was headed for Russia.在给自己补充食物和给温妮.梅补充燃料后,波斯特再升飞向空中,这次他的目标是俄罗斯。

9.A woman held a Winnie the Pooh and Tigger fan in front of her house in Beijing Friday.一妇女坐在自家门口,拿的是小熊维尼的扇子。

10.But the company decided to push back the float to July 16 after Mr Ho's estranged sister, Winnie, sought a court order to halt the psting.但在与何鸿燊一贯不和的胞妹何婉琪(WinnieHo)申请法庭下令暂停上市后,该公司决定推迟上市至7月16日。