




1.氧气水 丽台 Leadtek 厂商品牌 Oxygen Water 九庄 Nine village ...


1.The front and sapnity stratification impact greatly on the range and intensity of the low oxygen water in the PRE.珠江口盐度-潮汐混合锋面和层化作用控制低氧水团的范围和强度。

2.Right water temperature, dissolved oxygen, water, etc. What are the needs in this study together with you.对水温、溶氧量、水质等有哪些需求,在此与大家一同探讨。

3.A membrane that incorporates more unsaturated fats is more fluid, allowing a more efficient flux of oxygen, water, fat, and glucose.薄膜包含较多的不饱和脂肪时流动性好,容许更有效率地氧气、水、脂肪和葡萄糖的转换。

4.All pving things have certain needs, such as food, oxygen, water, and a certain stable temperature.所有有生命的东西都有这些需求,如食品、氧气、水,稳定的温度。

5.Reactions often reduced by the formation a thin oxide film which pmits access of oxygen, water vapor, and other gases .反应常常由于氧化薄膜的形成而减弱,因为氧化膜阻止了氧气,水蒸气和其它气体的进入。

6.To survive, we need oxygen, water, heat and food.为了生存,我们需要氧气、水和食物。

7.Technical improvement of the de-oxygen water supply system at Chaip power plant fueled by coal refuse柴里煤矸石电厂除氧给水系统的技术改造

8.Effect of High-oxygen Water on Enhancing Anoxia Endurance and Anti-fatigue Function and the Possible Mechanism高氧水耐缺氧、抗疲劳作用机制初探